Kidz Hub Bristol Limited

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About Kidz Hub Bristol Limited

Name Kidz Hub Bristol Limited
Address Westbury Park Primary School, 13 Bayswater Ave, Redland, BRISTOL, BS6 7NU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children build beneficial relationships with staff and this helps them to feel settled and happy at the club. They enjoy the staff's company and seek them out to share things with them or to join them in a game. Staff ensure children's medical and care needs are suitably met, that they are comfortable, and that children's well-being remains high.

For example, they check if children are warm enough outside and get them blankets to kneel on as they make intricate chalk drawings on the paving. Staff spend time with children, chatting with them and offering them reassurance if they are upset or need any help.Staff plan interesting acti...vities and repeat these as needed to ensure as many children as possible get to have a go.

Children enjoy making little individual apple crumbles, listening well to the staff's clear instructions and taking turns with tasks. They share their knowledge and learn about different ingredients, such as cinnamon. Children appreciate the craft activities and imaginative opportunities at the club.

They use their skills to create at the craft table. They cut items out, draw and colour as they happily chat to the other children and staff. They discuss their pictures, plans and ideas.

Staff offer them useful tips, to help their success.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children relish the opportunity to freely flow between the indoor and outdoor areas. They enjoy being active outside on the school playground.

They use the equipment to challenge their skills. They have fun playing football together. Children imaginatively build with the large construction pieces, working cooperatively to make a 'house' and then proudly show staff, clearly pleased with their achievement.

Children are suitably involved in club life. They take care of their belongings, putting them in their designated area. They follow routines well.

They listen to the clear reminders and instructions that staff offer them and build their sense of responsibility well. Children help tidy up the resources, wash their hands before meals, and sit down and wait for their friends at snack time.The different ages of children at the club mix well, older and younger children enjoy being together.

Older children like to assist the younger ones, spending lots of time with them. While this helps settle the new younger children, they do not always get the chance to explore independently. Staff do not help the older children understand this and ensure that the younger ones gain confidence to do things for themselves and follow their own interests fully.

The atmosphere in the club is calm. Children are busy and engaged in their play and enjoy their time with their friends. Staff are kind and caring.

They are respectful and polite and inspire this in the children. Children behave well and spontaneously help others. For example, when they drop parts of a game, many children come to their aid to help them pick all the pieces up.

The staff team work together well. They have regular meetings and discussions to plan for the sessions, ensuring the club runs smoothly and that children are safe and enjoy their time there. Staff communicate with each other during the sessions and deploy themselves suitably so that children are appropriately supported.

The provider ensures that staff are suitable to work with the children. They meet with staff regularly to lead practice, both as a team and individually. They meet staff training needs, ensuring their essential knowledge is kept up to date, such as safeguarding and first aid.

Additionally, they assist staff to undertake suitable qualifications, to develop their skills and enhance practice at the club.The staff team link with parents and the different schools children attend, to help them get to know children. They put in place plans to meet children's individual needs, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Parents are positive about the support their children receive and say that children enjoy attending.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Westbury Park School The Outdoors Project @ Westbury Park Harcourt Preschool Co-Op

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