Kidz R UZ Limited

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About Kidz R UZ Limited

Name Kidz R UZ Limited
Address Greatfield Park Primary School, Hulbert Crescent, Up Hatherley, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL51 3FZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Gloucestershire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive happy and eager to greet the staff and meet their friends.

Children know the routines well, they put their coats and bags away and clean their hands before helping themselves to a snack and a drink. Children demonstrate feeling safe, secure and settled in the club and they build secure relationships with the staff caring for them. Children are clearly pleased to see staff, and show them affection, giving then a hug when they arrive or when they are going home.

Children are friendly, kind and welcoming of new people and show that they are confident to talk to visitors.Staff use their knowledge of children's ...interests to plan the environment ready for children to engage in play. In addition to this, staff provide children with a space to rest after they have had a busy day at school.

Children choose where they would like to play, and they are confident to access other resources from the wide range available to them. Children of all ages play well together, they involve their friends in their games, where they play imaginatively together. Children have a good understanding of the behavioural expectations for the club, they are polite, and they listen to staff instructions.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff work well together as a team. Leaders follow good procedures to recruit and monitor the suitability of staff. Leaders ensure that staff receive good support.

Staff have regular supervisions and meetings, where they review their practice and leaders ensure that staff keep their training up to date and relevant. Staff say that they are happy and feel very supported in their roles.Partnerships with parents are strong and well developed.

Parents say that they are very happy with the care that their children receive, they say that children enjoy their time at club and complain if they are collected too early. Staff work closely with parents to provide support for the needs of their family, and they regularly share information with parents.Leaders and staff have good partnerships with the host school.

They recognise the importance of working with the children's teachers and sharing information when needed. Staff make sure that parents are made aware of any accidents or incidents that have happened at school and celebrate children's achievements. Staff provide children with a quiet space to do their homework and they support younger children with their reading.

Leaders and staff help children to learn how to keep themselves healthy. They encourage children to follow good hygiene practices. Children routinely wash their hands on arrival and before they eat.

Staff follow good routines to follow children's health and dietary needs, to ensure that children are kept safe.Staff take time to get to know children. The younger children have the additional support of a key person, who works with their parents to help the younger children to settle and to feel confident at club.

Staff encourage older children to support the younger children to settle. Staff recognise the importance working with parents and teachers to gather information about children's interests and individual needs, to ensure that they can provide the necessary support.Staff interact well with children, they take time to engage with children and be involved in their play.

Children enjoy playing games with staff, in groups and individually. Staff use opportunities to support children's language and communication skills. For instance, staff role model language, ask children questions and they introduce new vocabulary as they play.

For instance, during games children learn what the word 'strategy' means. Children confidently share their interests and talk with the staff and their friends as they do drawings.Children say that they like going to club, they enjoy playing with their friends and taking part in the craft activities.

Staff talk to children about what they like to do to plan activities that interest children.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Atlas Camps Cheltenham - Greatfield Park Greatfield Park Primary School

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