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About Kidz Zone @ St. Bernard’s R.c. Primary School
Kidz Zone @ St. Bernard’s R.c. Primary School
St Bernards School, Wake Green Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B13 9QE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Staff greet children with a warm welcome, and children are very happy to come to club. They settle quickly to a range of exciting activities.
Staff show a keen interest in what children are doing and engage in their play. Children's behaviour is excellent. They show respect for staff and each other as they engage in meaningful conversations.
Staff are positive role models. They involve children in developing the club rules and encourage children to talk about their emotions if they are struggling to regulate their own behaviour. This helps children to talk openly about how they are feeling, and all children understand beha...viour expectations.
Children form strong friendships with each other, and children of all ages play well together. They particularly enjoy being outside and sit and chat to their friends in the fresh air. Children enjoy taking part in ball games and learn to negotiate space safely and play as a team.
They enjoy competitive games and feel a sense of achievement when they win. Children have lots of opportunities to be creative, and staff introduce innovative ideas in line with children's interests. Children express themselves through their creativity.
They create self-portraits which are displayed. This gives children a real sense of belonging and helps them to develop confidence to be themselves. Children are self-assured.
They take a real ownership of their club and enjoy sharing their thoughts and ideas about what they would like to do here.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider is dedicated to running a successful out-of-school provision. She has recruited an experienced manager who takes on the responsibility for the day-to-day management.
All staff work extremely well together and feel well supported in their roles. The manager arranges regular meetings, supervisions and training, and this helps all staff to reflect on their practice and continue to enhance their knowledge and skills.Staff build good relationships with parents, who are very happy with the club.
They say they like the range of activities that children take part in, and children are always coming home with things they have made or baked. Staff communicate well with parents through daily chats, emails and newsletters. Parents say that staff build on the learning that takes place in school and they help children to learn life skills in a fun way.
Children have lots of opportunities to relax and have fun after a busy day at school. They can sit and read quietly and chat to their friends. Children enjoy making bracelets and show how proud they are of their creations.
Childrens voices are truly listened to. Children are involved in making decisions about the activities that are offered. They write honest comments in the feedback books and staff skilfully respond to these.
Staff ensure that all children's individual needs are met.Children are very independent. They know to come in and place their bags and drinks bottles in the space provided, and straight away go to wash their hands.
They make choices about what they would like for snack, and staff offer a range of healthy snacks daily.Staff promote equality and diversity well. They encourage children to talk about their backgrounds and culture, and celebrate different festivals that are important to them.
Staff chat to children about their dressing up costumes that they have worn during the day at school. Children are eager to talk about the reason they have chosen the costumes which represent what they would like to be when they grow up. This sparks a lot of conversations about children's ambitions and staff truly listen and value what they say.
Staff have built good links with the school. They regularly share information and find out what children are learning in school. Staff then build on this and provide fun activities to help consolidate children's learning and help them to try new things and have a go.
Every child benefits from a key person who takes the time to get to know them and their family. Key persons gain detailed information from parents when children first start. This includes information about allergies, dietary needs and children's interests and personalities.
Children build strong relationships with their key person, who makes sure they are emotional secure and happy.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Children are kept safe at this setting.
Staff know them well and are alert to all signs that might suggest a child is at risk from harm. They have completed a range of training courses and keep up to date with current guidance. This means that all staff are fully aware of all factors of abuse, including extremism and radicalisation.
There are robust policies and procedures in place. The designated safeguarding lead ensures that all staff know what to do if they have a concern about a child or member of staff. Children are taught to keep themselves safe and learn about risks as they take responsibility for carrying out the daily risk assessments with staff.
All staff are appropriately recruited and inducted into their roles. Vetting checks are completed to ensure the suitability of staff. There are rigorous collection procedures in place to ensure children are collected safely.