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About Kidzone 4
Kidzone 4
St. Albans C of E Primary School, St. Albans Road, HAVANT, Hampshire, PO9 2JX
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy and enjoy spending time at the out-of-school club. They are warmly greeted by the kind and caring staff as they arrive.
The staff show an interest in the children's day at school. This includes staff asking children how they are feeling and how their day has gone. This helps children feel safe and secure.
Staff know children well and in particular their likes and dislikes. They use children's interests to set out inviting activities for them. For example, children enjoy colouring and varnishing different seashell ornaments.
Children develop their independence through everyday routines, such as d...uring snack time and cookery activities. Staff have high expectations of children and their behaviour. Children demonstrate a good understanding of these expectations.
They are kind, caring and friendly towards each other, despite any age gaps. The older children take on a nurturing role. They ensure that the younger children are included in their play and praised for their achievements.
For example, older children cheer and grin in delight as the younger children master skills, such as skipping. Children are encouraged to take pride in their achievements, such as when they shoot a ball into a basketball hoop.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider has worked hard on the actions issued at the last inspection.
She has put further training in place for all staff on different safeguarding topics. The provider ensures staff workload is tailored to their strengths, so they are capable of fulfilling their role well. This helps to ensure the safeguarding provision at the out-of-school club is effective.
The provider shows a secure understanding of her roles and responsibilities. She has a good oversight of the out-of-school club. For example, she ensures that she carries out regular supervision and well-being discussions with her staff.
This helps identify where support may be needed and ensures the good quality of the club.Staff have clear aims each week and there is a focus on learning and developing through play. Children are given opportunities to play outside, as well as with a range of resources inside, such as small-world toys.
For example, children enjoy role playing with a toy animal hospital. Staff explain how they provide opportunities for children to focus on play as it gives them a space to 'just be themselves'.Children benefit from playing in mixed-age groups on different activities, such as working on different creations made out of construction bricks.
This helps develop their confidence and social skills as they work on their creations together. They help each other and take turns happily.The staff have developed a strong partnership with the school.
They work together effectively on safeguarding processes to ensure that there is a consistent approach in their polices and procedures.At times, louder and more confident children can dominate staff's attention. This means that, sometimes, quieter children do not benefit as much as possible from staff's attention and support.
Partnerships with parents are good. Parents comment on the good level of communication between themselves and staff. They feel able to raise a concern, should a need arise.
Parents explain that their children enjoy the large range of activities on offer to them at the out-of-school club.At times, staff do not consistently develop children's language skills. For example, at times they only use simple questions based on routines, such as 'Do you want to take your jacket off?' instead of engaging children in further conversations.
The staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) well. They work in partnership with parents and other agencies to ensure that children get the most out of their time at the out-of-school club. This helps children with SEND to flourish.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Since the last inspection, staff have developed a strong knowledge of safeguarding. They have a secure understanding of a range of topics, including county lines and the 'Prevent' duty.
Staff know the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is at risk from harm. They know the appropriate steps to take to refer their concerns to the relevant local safeguarding partners. Staff have a good understanding of the allegations procedure.
This includes knowing how to report concerns to the local authority designated officer. The provider follows robust recruitment checks to ensure the suitability of staff. She demonstrates that there are good systems in place to ensure staff's ongoing suitability.