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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children really enjoy their time at the club.
They form trusting relationships with staff, who get to know them and their families very well. Staff carefully plan the environment each day to meet the extensive interests and needs of all children. For example, children enjoy a variety of craft activities, puzzles and games indoors.
They divide the large hall into areas to create a calm but stimulating environment.Children happily choose where they wish to play and are quickly settled and engaged. Staff are quick to offer support and reassurance to children that need it.
They manage any minor behaviour issues swiftl...y, reminding children of the expectations and redirecting them to more appropriate activities.Staff role model respectful relationships with each other and children follow this. Children know the routines of the club and their behaviour is particularly good.
They play happily with children of different ages and from surrounding schools who also attend this club. They make new and lasting friendships.Younger children actively seek out staff and their peers and invite them into their play.
For example, children and staff excitedly take part in games and activities, such as dodgeball, making slime, and friendship bracelets. They enjoy tabletop competitions, such as using party blowers and ping-pong balls as they cheer and record scores.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children develop a good understanding of healthy lifestyles.
Staff promote healthy eating by providing children with an extensive range of nutritious snacks throughout the session. Children have plenty of opportunities to be active. They enjoy indoor games and have access to outdoor areas for additional competitive sports.
Children of all ages form exceptionally close bonds with one another. They cooperate well throughout the session, celebrating their friend's efforts and achievements. For example, children admire the friendship bracelets they create during a craft activity.
Older children take pride in helping their younger friends in tasks. They are sensitive to their different ages and abilities, when showing them how to make bracelets and slime bombs.Staff recognise that children attending the after-school club have had a busy day at school.
They provide children with ample opportunities to decide if they want to rest or play. Staff fully understand that children relish the freedom to be alone or play with others.Children are highly independent.
They develop healthy habits, such as washing their hands before eating. Snack time is a social occasion. Children sit and chat to their friends about their school day, while they help themselves to healthy snacks.
Staff also ensure fresh fruits are always available for children to help themselves. This helps promote children's health and well-being.Staff ensure children are safe at the club.
They carry out thorough risk assessments of the indoor and outdoor environment. Staff deploy themselves effectively to ensure children's safety. All staff are aware of children's allergy requirements.
They supervise them effectively during snack time. This helps to keep children safe.Staff form close, respectful relationships with parents and carers.
They are available to discuss children's time at school and the club on collection. Parents value the deep knowledge that staff have of their children and the support they provide for their individual needs. They praise staff for the close bonds they nurture among children and on the variety of activities that are available.
All parents state how much their children enjoy attending.Staff are highly knowledgeable about individual children and their specific needs. They use this information when planning activities that children will enjoy and support their interests.
Staff carefully plan activities that are purposeful and that reflect what children are learning about at school. For example, children benefit from having access to a side quiet room where they can work on their homework or quiet reading.Children's safety is very well considered.
Staff supervise children well throughout the session. They deploy themselves effectively to ensure children are always within sight. Staff consider the safety of the environment well.
They risk assess activities, including outdoor play, to ensure they are safe for all ages of children. All staff demonstrate a good understanding of safeguarding matters and confidently discuss the appropriate referral processes to follow if they have concerns.Leaders ensure that staff are fully aware of their roles and responsibilities.
Regular, individual supervision meetings and monitoring of practice is in place. Training opportunities are a priority at the club and leaders value the benefits of staff accessing training. Staffs' well-being is prioritised.
They receive high-quality support and guidance.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.