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The Pavilion, Hunter Park, Park Lane, Twyford, Winchester, Hampshire
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Staff expertly support children to feel awe and experience the wonder of the natural world.
They help children identify a wide range of wildlife and plants. For example, children learn the difference between hogweed and elderflower by smelling the plants and making elderflower drinks. Children love to recall these experiences with staff.
Staff support children to develop fantastic communication skills and a wide vocabulary. Children have excellent knowledge of which plants they should not touch. Children learn about boundaries and rules at their fire circle.
They climb trees under close staff supervisio...n. These activities all teach children to stay really safe in their inspiring woodland classroom. Staff are exceptionally kind and considerate.
They regularly offer praise and reassurance for children's thoughtful and kind behaviours. Children develop high levels of self-confidence and self-esteem. The setting's curriculum places a big emphasis on accepting people for who they are and building positive relationships within the group.
All children's behaviour is outstanding. For example, children ask politely to borrow items in the mud kitchen from their friends. They offer help when their friends want to transport heavier items during play.
Children are highly motivated to join in activities. They solve a wide range of problems as they play and learn.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff are innovative and weave in many opportunities to develop children's literacy skills during their play.
For example, they read signs to children on woodland walks and encourage children who make marks with sticks to discuss what they are creating. Staff enthusiastically support children to make their own signs and treasure maps. They read plenty of books each day.
Staff are highly skilled at following children's interests and learning styles. For example, children really enjoy hammering. Staff build on this interest.
They introduce a Japanese creative activity, where children hammer flowers and create beautiful designs. Children express their delight as they use a pulley system. This gives them an exciting opportunity to discover the different weight of items they transport.
Children have outstanding opportunities to develop their imaginative play. Staff observe this play and join in when appropriate to extend children's learning to the highest levels. For example, children play on their 'pirate ship'.
Staff help to find items to be the wheel, flags and treasure maps. Staff introduce rich vocabulary, such as 'rudder', explaining all the things that help to steer a boat.The staff team is highly motivated to continuously develop its knowledge and skills.
Staff enjoy regular training days. For example, they invited a member of The Woodland Trust to teach them more about the local environment. Staff also completed training about brain development and when children's development does not follow expected patterns.
These courses help staff to develop teaching skills and recognise when children may need extra help.Children develop superb levels of mathematical understanding. For example, they explore natural items of different sizes and identify numerals on their number lines.
Staff skilfully adapt learning for the different abilities of children. For instance, during a singing session, children count to five and identify numbers. Some children are able to put the 'currant buns' in a number line in the correct order from one to 10.
The oldest children are given addition and subtraction challenges. All children show exceptionally high levels of concentration and participate enthusiastically in these learning opportunities.Partnerships with parents and other settings that children attend are excellent.
Parents enjoy a regular stay-and-play session and observe the depth of learning their children enjoy. Parents report that the things that set this setting apart from others are the kindness, gentleness and knowledge of the amazing staff. They describe how special it is that the staff share their passion for nature.
Parents love how the staff see their children as individuals. Their children come home 'exhausted yet buzzing with energy'. Staff work closely in partnership with other settings to make sure all children have smooth transitions to school and get the extra support they need.
Children have exciting opportunities to explore diversity. For example, parents come in to share and celebrate their cultures. Children help them make chapati bread over the campfire.
Children learn about Jewish traditions, such as celebrating Hanukah and what their special candles represent. Staff celebrate similarities and differences through discussions and while reading books. Children thoroughly enjoy discussions about their forthcoming travel experiences, asking many questions about different countries.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have extensive knowledge about keeping children safe. They are all able to identify many indicators of abuse.
Staff confidently discuss wider safeguarding issues, such as radicalisation and county lines. They confidently summarise procedures to report concerns and describe which agencies can offer support. Attendance monitoring is robust.
Staff practise emergency drills regularly with the children in case they ever need to evacuate from their woodland classroom safely. Children are actively involved in assessing risks and creating a safe boundary with flags each day. Staff regularly refresh their safeguarding knowledge through a variety of training opportunities.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.