Kindred Hauxton

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About Kindred Hauxton

Name Kindred Hauxton
Ofsted Inspections
Address 33 High Street, Hauxton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 5HW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Cambridgeshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children build strong bonds with their key person. Staff get to know the children before they start and adapt the settling-in process to support the children's routines.

Staff offer cuddles and gently sing to children who are new to the nursery. This helps to reassure and calm them. Children show good levels of emotional well-being.

Children are eager to explore their environment and the activities on offer. They become immersed in their play. Staff encourage children to be independent learners.

All children make good progress in their learning. For example, older children become engrossed and develop their fi...nger dexterity as they use scissors to snip pots of herbs. Younger children play alongside each other at the water table, trying to catch pretend sea creatures.

Older children develop their imagination as they paint and decorate large boxes. Children are eager to stack the boxes on top of each other to design a Christmas tree. Children's behaviour is good.

They respond to the good role modelling from staff. Children are kind and gentle towards each other and play cooperatively in a calm atmosphere. When children display big emotions, the staff team are gentle and respectful of how the children might be feeling.

They help children to understand and carefully divert them to new play ideas.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider has developed an ambitious curriculum that fosters independence and curiosity in children. Children confidently explore, and choose resources they enjoy while the staff team support them to have a good focus in their play and learning.

Younger children become absorbed as they investigate cause and effect. For example, younger children realise they need to pour more water down the drainpipe to move the toy sharks.The staff team has a secure understanding of children's next steps in learning and what they would like children to learn from the planned activities.

They plan interesting activities that promote children's exploration. For example, children delight in finding the toy snake and mouse hidden in the oats. Children recite familiar phrases from a well-loved story and pretend to make a special crumble.

Occasionally, the staff team does not successfully teach what they have identified they want children to learn. Consequently, children's engagement is not always sustained to build on their learning.Staff interactions support children in developing their communication and language skills.

They encourage children to use new vocabulary and repeat words back. For example, as children play with the toy dinosaurs in the sand, they develop back and forth conversation. Staff talk to children about the magma beneath the volcano that makes it erupt.

Younger children sing songs and engage in meaningful conversations with staff about repairing the door with a play toolbox and tools.Staff promote children's well-being and physical skills. All children go outdoors every day and enjoy fresh air and the outdoor learning.

Young children instinctively know they need to find their waterproof suits before going outside. They become fascinated with pouring coloured water through funnels. Older children successfully put on their wellies.

They ride on bikes and build a pretend house using wooden blocks. Younger children jump with glee in puddles left by the rain.Children are developing their independence.

They pour their own drinks and serve their food. Staff support young children to 'have a go' at feeding themselves. Staff load the spoons and children bring it to their mouths.

Staff encourage all children to clear their own plates when they have finished.Parents report that their children are happy and excited to come to the nursery. Parents receive updates about what their children are doing and know how to support their children's learning at home.

Parents feel that their children settle very well and make good progress from their starting points.The provider demonstrates an accurate insight into areas for future development, for example, focusing on teaching skills that will improve staff's understanding of teaching and practice even further. The staff team are positive about the recent changes and feel the provider values their well-being and professional development.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to implement the learning intentions more consistently to promote children's learning and development further.

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