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Moor End Farm, London Road, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 2RE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children thoroughly enjoy their time at this friendly nursery. They are excited to arrive and chat enthusiastically to the nurturing staff.
Children of all ages form close bonds with one another and the attentive staff. Babies seek out their key staff when tired. They cuddle and blow kisses to their friends before nap time.
Older children adopt a buddy system that supports them in making friends when they move to a new room.Children demonstrate high levels of independence. Babies receive lots of encouragement when using cutlery to feed themselves at mealtimes.
Toddlers confidently complete essential hygiene ro...utines, such as washing hands and cleaning their faces with minimal help. Pre-school children pour drinks and serve their own meals at lunchtime.Children behave well in the nursery.
They are kind and considerate to one another and adults. For example, children sing a special song to the setting's cook at mealtimes, thanking her for the delicious food she provides. From a young age, children develop an understanding of the importance of playing cooperatively.
Babies take turns choosing books and songs to explore with staff. When making modelling dough, pre-school children share tasks out, ensuring everyone has a role to play in the activity.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff monitor children's progress well.
They complete essential assessments within appropriate time scales. Staff are swift to identify children's learning needs and provide activities that are suitably challenging. For example, babies delight at the splashes they create dropping citrus fruits into the water tray.
Staff extend their learning further by encouraging babies to explore the smells and the tastes of the fruits. Toddlers become deeply engaged examining the features of insects. Staff encourage them to use books to identify the creatures they have found.
Language development is well supported across all rooms. Staff in the baby room role model new sounds, such as 'splash' and 'pop' when exploring water play and bubbles. Toddlers explore the initial sounds in words when playing I-spy.
Pre-school children use more complex words, such as 'irritate' and 'prevent' when discussing how caterpillar's spikes are sharp to stop birds eating them.Staff support children's transitions through the nursery well. Children spend increasing amounts of time in their new rooms before moving permanently.
Staff share information and ideas on how to best prepare individual children for their next stage. Pre-school children develop a deep knowledge of their new schools by trying on uniforms and exploring photographs of the buildings. This supports children to settle swiftly and make good progress in their new environment.
Staff adopt a flexible approach to planning activities. This ensures children's current interests are the focus of their learning. For example, children who are reluctant to touch the insects they have been collecting, explore their features in books or by drawing them.
Pre-school children develop mathematical skills, making modelling dough using the lavender they found in the garden. They measure out the various ingredients, identifying the correct quantities to use.Parents speak highly of the nursery and staff.
They value the daily communication about children's learning and development. Parents appreciate the close bonds their children develop with staff. They acknowledge the positive impact this has on children's well-being.
Staff demonstrate deep knowledge of the children in their care. They use this information to plan exciting activities based on children's interests and abilities. However, some routines within the pre-school room can detract staff from providing consistently high-quality support for children during their play.
The management team are committed to enhancing their practice. They have robust self-evaluation processes in place and swiftly implement changes that support children's development. However, these highly effective evaluation skills are not yet observed being used by all room leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Management and staff demonstrate good safeguarding knowledge. They confidently identify the signs and symptoms of abuse and discuss the correct process to follow when reporting concerns.
Additionally, staff explain the process they would follow if they felt their concerns were not being addressed. The provider has robust recruitment and induction processes in place. This ensures all staff are suitable to work with children.
All staff complete essential safeguarding and first-aid training. This supports them to keep their knowledge up to date.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nevaluate the effectiveness of daily routines to ensure older children benefit from consistently high-quality interactions from staff throughout the day nenhance current methods of coaching and mentoring to support room leaders in evaluating the effectiveness of their practice and raise the quality of teaching to a consistently high level.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.