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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children enter this inviting nursery and quickly settle into the routines of the day. Young babies share close bonds with staff and often reach out to their key person for a cuddle.
This shows they feel happy and secure in their care. Staff know all the children well. Older children fondly call out to staff to greet them as they pass each other in the nursery.
Children delight in building boats from different types of materials. They carefully use scissors to snip different shapes and stick parts together with tape. Later in the day, they practise sailing the boats in a large tray of water.
They discuss which ...materials float the best. This activity helps children to learn how to make predictions and use their critical thinking skills.Staff have high expectations for all children.
Children behave very well. They are kind and polite. Staff give children gentle reminders of the rules and fully explain the impact of any unwanted behaviour.
For example, when children are mixing bubbles in the water, staff explain not to splash too much, as it might sting their friends' eyes. This helps to give children a secure understanding of how to behave and the reason why.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have made significant improvements to the running of the nursery since their last inspection, particularly regarding the implementation of regular risk assessments.
Areas are bright, clean and free from hazards. Staff have completed training to improve their safeguarding knowledge. This helps to keep children safe.
Leaders are passionate about making continual improvements and progress within the nursery. They accurately assess any weaknesses and swiftly put strategies in place to overcome them. For example, they have buddied up less confident staff with those who are happy to coach and support them.
This helps to upskill staff and improve the quality of teaching.Older children are confident communicators. They happily interact with visitors, sharing their thoughts and ideas.
They are imaginative, enjoying making up stories and role playing. This means they are well prepared for their future move to school. Staff in the pre-school room are fun and engaging.
However, sometimes, there are opportunities for staff working with younger children to enhance their interactions with the children. Staff do not always support the development of babies' early communication and language as well as possible. The rooms are sometimes quiet, and conversations are limited.
The quality of teaching is good. Staff plan activities and experiences that are based on children's interests and their next steps. This means children focus and engage in a variety of activities that cover the seven areas of learning.
Children show a good attitude to learning. However, occasionally, staff do not fully consider the best way to adapt and extend learning opportunities. For example, staff read a story in a very loud and busy environment and children become distracted.
Staff do not think to use the additional quiet areas available to them.Staff gather valuable information from parents when children start at the nursery. This supports staff to set accurate starting points and next steps in children's learning.
Staff use regular observations and assessments to track children's progress. They quickly identify any gaps in children's knowledge and focus their planning to support these. Staff communicate with parents effectively.
They share regular progress updates with parents via an online application. This means any gaps in children's knowledge can be discussed quickly, and early support implemented if needed.Children are learning about healthy lifestyles.
Hand-hygiene practice is embedded into the routines of the day. Children know to wash their hands before eating. They listen, follow instructions and line up ready to use the bathroom.
Children enjoy balanced and nutritious meals and snacks, and they have access to fresh drinking water. They enjoy daily outdoor play where they skilfully negotiate the area on balance bicycles and scooters. This helps to develop their spatial awareness skills.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff fully understand their role and responsibility to safeguard children. All staff, including those designated to lead on safeguarding, have completed relevant training.
Staff know the signs to look for if they are concerned about a child's welfare. They know who to contact if an allegation is made against a member of staff. Staff complete regular risk assessments of the learning environment.
They count children in and out of rooms and deploy themselves effectively to keep children safe. The manager follows robust recruitment procedures and assesses the ongoing suitability of staff.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance interactions between staff and young children so that they support babies to develop early communication skills as well as possible support staff to understand how to adapt and extend learning opportunities so that children experience the highest level of teaching.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.