Kingsgate Play Centre

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About Kingsgate Play Centre

Name Kingsgate Play Centre
Address Kingsgate Primary School, Kingsgate Road, London, Greater London, NW6 4LB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Camden
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy the time they spend at the after-school club. They say they feel safe and know to go to an adult if they are feeling unhappy.

Children confidently select toys and resources to share with their friends. Due to risk assessments relating to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, children play in age-related friendships bubbles. They are accepting of this change and understand the reasons for these rules.

Children are encouraged to be independent, which helps to support them in preparation for their future learning. They take care of their belongings. When children arrive at the club, they leave their school bags the designated space and take their water bottle to their play areas.

Staff support children's good health well. Children have many opportunities to be physically active when they play outdoors. They particularly enjoy games of football together.

Children enjoy the healthy snacks, staff encourage them to take some fruit and remind them to drink lots of water when it is hot. Children form close and trusting relationships with staff. They confidently speak about their day at school and ask for help, when needed.

Children's behaviour is good. They are kind and helpful to each other and have developed strong friendships with their peer groups.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager has effectively addressed the actions raised at the last inspection.

Staff have undertaken refresher safeguarding training. This ensures children are kept safe and helps to raise the quality of the provision.Parents comment that they are very pleased with the club.

Some parents have used the club for a number of years and are reassured their children are well looked after. Newer parents also speak highly of the club and say their children have settled well and are happy. They say that the staff are very friendly and tell them about their child's evening at the club.

Staff collect children from Reception and key stage 1 from the school premises located a few streets away. This procedure is well organised, and staff are vigilant in ensuring children's safety when walking to the key stage 2 building. Children wear high-visibility jackets and walk together.

On arrival to the club, children know to put their bags safely away and wash their hands immediately. Children are well mannered and respectful. For example, when offered their snack, they say please and thank you.

They listen well and respond when staff clap their hands to get their attention for calling the register.Children enjoy sitting down quietly and reading books. Staff read stories to the children and engage them well in the story.

They ask children questions to encourage their thinking and predict what might happen.Staff have high expectations of children and use effective strategies to manage any unwanted behaviour. Children have participated in drawing up the rules for the club and talk about their rules confidently.

Their motto is 'Let's share… let's be happy'. This helps to support children's self-esteem and confidence.Children thoroughly enjoy the activities on offer.

They spend long periods of time concentrating on colouring in or designing their own pictures. Reception children practise their early writing skills and know to put their names on their work. Staff decorate the room with some of the children's pictures.

This helps children to develop a sense of achievement and pride in their work Members of the staff team work well together. They say that they receive good support from the manager. Regular supervision helps the staff to evaluate their practice and identify opportunities for further training courses.

Staff work closely with the school that children attend and they share information about children to help provide continuity of care. Staff ensure that they pass on any messages to parents when they collect their children later on in the evening. Staff are committed to working together to provide care to meet each individual child's needs.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have a good understanding of how to protect children. They are aware of signs and symptoms which may indicate a child is at risk of harm.

They understand their responsibilities for reporting any concerns, including if they had any concerns about the conduct of a colleague. Children's safety is assured at the club, staff supervise children well and any exits out of the school premises are fully secure. Children are escorted to the front gate where they meet their parents.

Also at this postcode
Kingsgate Primary School

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