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North Lindsey College, Kingsway, Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, DN17 1AJ
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children happily arrive at the setting and settle in quickly after a detailed handover from parents.
The setting promotes a real sense of community, with children and their parents enjoying spending time together at sports days, graduation and other events. Children's individual needs are very well met because staff take time to speak to parents and gather up-to-date information from them, as well as regularly feeding back about their children's progress at nursery. Children behave extremely well.
They can often be seen offering support and praise to each other. When issues such as sharing toys arise, staff supp...ort children to consider others and praise them individually for sharing. This supportive approach, along with consistent routines, ensures children feel safe, secure and ready to learn.
Children thrive and are making strong progress in this inclusive setting. Their excellent progress is facilitated through the provision of a clear, sequenced curriculum that continually builds on what children know and can do. The activities and experiences provided for the children are both reflective and repetitive, allowing children to discuss prior learning.
Babies and toddlers are thoroughly engaged during singing activities, joining in enthusiastically with actions. Older children meanwhile have developed the confidence to stand in front of their friends and sing songs they know from home.The whole staff team are highly skilled at supporting those children with additional needs.
Throughout the day staff and children can be seen using sign language to support communication. This is particularly effective at group times, and enables all children to enjoy activities and to join in with the songs and stories. Feedback from parents reflects the huge impact this setting has had on the confidence and progress of all children who attend, but particularly those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The well-resourced nursery environment is rich in opportunities which promote children's emerging communication, language and literacy skills. An opportunity for older children to make their own passport facilitates lots of discussions about different countries, similarities and differences in each other's appearance and going on holiday. Staff skilfully build on previous learning about holidays, as well as introducing new vocabulary and knowledge.
Children demonstrate excellent communication and language skills, talking and listening to each other with enthusiasm.All staff have a clear understanding about what they want children to learn throughout their time in the setting. This is reflected in the well sequenced curriculum, which builds on what each child knows and can do.
As a result, all children make excellent progress.Mealtimes and other transitions are managed exceptionally well. Children know the routines of the day and are calm and happy.
Mealtimes are used well to support children's independence and resilience. Children have the opportunity to self-serve, clear away and take pride in helping others. Children are proud to be chosen as lunchtime superstars, and this provides a further opportunity to celebrate all children achievements however big or small.
Leaders use observations and supervisors to continually reflect on the the quality of teaching throughout the nursery. They have regular meetings to discuss how the curriculum can be adapted to support every child, and consider what training is required to support this. All staff are encouraged to access training based on this feedback, as well as from areas they feel they are interested in themselves.
This means staff have a deep involvement in their own development, and this is reflected in the excellent teaching observed in the setting. Staff say they enjoy training and developing their practise both as a team and individually.The key person system is extremely effective.
As a result, all staff have in-depth understanding of children's next steps in learning and are aware of the support needed to achieve this. Key person involvement with outside agencies is impressive. Their first-hand experience of these meetings, alongside excellent communication, enables staff and other professionals to work together and ensure children's gaps in development are closed quickly.
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is extremely passionate about supporting children with additional needs. Senior leaders have made this a priority, and ensured that all children are able to participate in all aspects of nursery life, and are accepted, welcomed and supported by all children.Leaders have ensured a consistent approach to planning and meeting children's needs across the whole setting.
The staff know what is expected of them and work well together to achieve the best outcomes for all children. All who work within this nursery are committed to continually improving their practice. Feedback from parents and external partners is wonderful, and reflects the hard work and commitment of all staff.
Leaders are very aware of the impact of the pandemic on the mental health and well being of parents, staff and children. The setting's focus on building confidence and resilience has had a significant impact on the progress of children in relation to their personal, social and emotional development, and for the oldest children in particular, ensured their readiness for school.Children are excited to spend time outdoors, and are curious to explore the many activities available.
Mathematical skills are consolidated through dice games, where children confidently add two numbers together to decide how many steps they can take. Other children use magnifying glasses to investigate the bug hotel, talking excitedly about the insects that they find and identify. This rich environment enables children to build on their previous learning and offers a fantastic opportunity for them to improve their physical strength, balance and coordination.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The whole staff team are aware of their responsibly to safeguard children and are confident in following procedures to keep children safe. Staff demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding of the possible signs of abuse, and are able to confidently describe the steps they would take to ensure children remain safe and well protected.
A robust recruitment, induction and probation procedure ensures that only those suitable to work with children are employed within the setting, Staff are extremely vigilant and ensure the environment is safe and secure at all times. Children are aware of how to keep themselves safe. They demonstrate a good understanding of personal hygiene and are able to negotiate risks well while playing with equipment outside.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.