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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children enjoy coming to the setting and spending time with their friends. Staff work hard to build positive relationships with every child and this supports them to feel settled and secure.
Systems are in place to ensure that children are given opportunities to make choices about how they learn. For example, when planning, staff encourage children and parents to contribute ideas and suggestions to provide new ways of introducing and supporting the children's learning. The setting provides a curriculum that engages all children in their learning.
Staff use their knowledge of each child to provide opportunities that are... interesting, exciting and aim to move learning to the next stage. For example, staff incorporate cars into an activity to engage children who have a love of transport. Experiences are carefully planned to support children to learn about feelings and understand their emotions.
This supports other areas of development for the children, such as making sure children are ready to move on to their next stage of education and experience a smooth transition.Children are clear about the behaviour expectations of the setting. They respond well to staff, who gently remind them to be kind to their friends or to listen carefully to instructions.
Children use a sand timer to support their understanding of taking turns and sharing. For example, this helps them to take turns when using boxes to build a den or a car with friends.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children have a positive attitude to learning and are excited to engage in the wide range of experiences provided.
For example, children are keen to join in with an activity to talk about their emotions and feelings with friends. This helps them to develop their confidence and self-awareness.Staff use conversation throughout the day to encourage children to practise their communication skills.
Most staff generally support children's thinking and language development well. However, some staff are less confident in supporting this aspect of children's development, which does not fully support all children to consistently build on their language skills.Children and staff have a mutual respect for each other, and this helps to build a positive learning culture.
For example, children are excited to join in and share their ideas and achievements with friends and staff. This gives them a sense of satisfaction and pride in their learning.Parents report that they are extremely happy with the care their child receives at the setting.
They value the regular updates on their child's progress and feel supported by staff if they ask for advice. For example, if a child requires additional support, staff respond quickly to work with other services and put strategies in place. Parents enjoy accessing the lending library to borrow books and find out more about common issues, such as toileting and sharing.
Children are encouraged to assess risks, with support, and make decisions that help them to take responsibility for their own learning. For example, children use the sand and water outside with the wheelbarrow and work with friends to pour, dig, lift and transport it, using a range of equipment safely.An effective key-person system is in place to meet children's needs.
For example, children are given time when they first start, to settle in and find their preferred adult, so they build strong relationships from the beginning.Hygiene practices are well embedded into the routine and children understand the importance of maintaining these. For example, children are keen to wash their hands before eating and put their rubbish into the bin at lunchtime.
Regular meetings with staff take place and the manager shares updates on topics such as guidance, safeguarding and organisations that might help staff to improve their practice. Staff are well supported to work together and develop their skills. This helps staff to feel valued, important and part of the team.
The passionate and dedicated leaders have a strong vision for the setting. They recognise that it plays a vital role within the local community and strive to ensure that all staff share their belief system where children are at the heart of everything they do. Additional funding is carefully used to purchase resources and experiences that give children who may be disadvantaged the chance to engage in their learning and help move their development on.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support all staff to develop their understanding of how to consistently promote and extend children's early language and communication skills.