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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children play in a safe, secure and well-organised learning environment. They show high levels of curiosity and have exceptionally positive attitudes to learning.
Children are eager to find out about the natural world around them. For instance, they participate with great enthusiasm in hunting for insects under tree stump seats in the outdoor area. They become very excited and confidently talk about key features they notice about the insects.
Children listen to one another superbly and receive good levels of support to help extend their learning even further. This includes children hearing new words like 'habitat'. Thi...s helps them to make connections in their learning that are linked to their play experiences.
Children behave exceptionally well. On the very rare occasion where a difficulty arises, they receive support that empowers them to recover swiftly. This gives them the skills to be able to work together, take turns and share in their future learning.
Children are confident. They have positive relationships with their friends and the adults that care for them. They learn about one another's successes.
For example, children have a celebration board so they can share their achievements such as attaining their first swimming certificate. This contributes to enhancing their self-esteem.Children demonstrate good independence skills.
They clean their hands and explain they need to do this to 'wash away the germs'. Children enjoy pouring their own drinks at snack time.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager, who has been in post for less than a year, demonstrates she is ambitious.
She receives effective support from the management committee. This helps her accomplish her vision to ensure that all children have access to good-quality care and education.Children have opportunities to help develop their language skills.
For instance, very young children receive support through listening and attention focus groups which use stories and props. Older children participate in sounds and letters activities. However, occasionally, some staff ask children questions which are not always purposeful nor contribute to supporting their learning.
At other times, some staff answer questions for children, rather than allowing them time to consider their suggestions before responding.Parents comment on how incredibly supportive the manager and staff are towards children and families. They comment their children enjoy attending and are happy with the care that is on offer.
However, not all parents are clear about what their children's key person is focusing on to support their learning and development.Children have exposure to experiences that help them to learn about people and the wider world. For example, the manager organised for a local artist to visit the children to develop their creative skills.
This enables them to practise attempting still life paintings. This helps support children to develop a greater appreciation to find out about the world in which they live.The manager and staff swiftly identify children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities.
They ensure children receive intervention from outside professionals in a timely manner. This includes providing one-to-one support where required so that children receive specific support to help meet their individual needs. Furthermore, children have support plans in place that precisely target their aims and goals to help them achieve their highest possible outcomes.
Children learn about ways to help them contribute toward staying healthy. This includes hygiene around handwashing and why they need to do this. Children learn about oral health.
Staff use discussion and storybooks during group times to explore how and why children need to look after their teeth.Children play exceptionally cooperatively together and they show high levels of understanding of behaviour rules. For example, when they hear the sound raised for tidy up time, they work superbly together, fetching dustpans and brushes and eagerly clearing up sand from the floor.
Staff support children by providing explanations as to why they sweep up the sand so that they do not slip and fall over.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders have taken steps to ensure that all staff have improved safeguarding knowledge.
This includes the process to follow should they need to make a referral in line with local procedures. Staff are aware of wider safeguarding issues, including domestic violence and criminal exploitation. Measures are in place to ensure the pre-school is safe, secure and suitable.
Staff carry out regular safety checks and headcounts to ensure that all children are within sight and sound of staff at all times. The manager and committee have reviewed recruitment, vetting and ongoing suitability processes, to ensure only appropriate individuals work with children and families at the pre-school.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen staff's knowledge around effective teaching skills so that any questions posed to children offer a real purpose that contributes towards supporting their ongoing learning nensure parents are kept up to date and are communicated with, so they are fully aware of what key persons are focusing on to support their children's learning and development.