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St. Andrew’s Church Hall, Church Road, Ham, Richmond, Surrey, TW10 5HG
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children at Kish Kindergarten benefit from the high expectations of staff.
This helps to prepare children for the next stage of their education. For example, children are becoming confident bilingual communicators. They talk happily to each other in German and English, developing their language skills successfully.
The provision for children with additional learning needs is good. For instance, children receive clear and consistent messages, which help them to feel safe and secure. Children access the full range of exciting and stimulating learning opportunities.
They learn to take age-appropriate risks. For e...xample, children delight in making 'alien spaceships' and 'aeroplanes' during woodwork. Children's growing competence in using various tools, such as hammers and nails, is evident throughout the session.
Children develop good levels of self-esteem. This is because they receive meaningful praise and reassurance. Children have plenty of opportunities to self-regulate their feelings and emotions.
This helps children to behave well. Children understand the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. At snack times and mealtimes they enjoy a range of home-cooked meals from a well-balanced and nutritious menu.
This promotes children's good health. Children show their increasing independence as they manage their personal needs, including toileting.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider, who is also the manager, has a good overview of the kindergarten.
She seeks the views of parents and other childcare professionals to help evaluate the quality of education. One of the recent changes at the kindergarten is the revision of the morning routines to help children to settle quickly. This has had a positive impact, particularly on children's behaviour and concentration span.
Staff observe and monitor children's learning effectively to identify gaps in their learning. However, some staff are not as confident in planning and sequencing the curriculum for outdoors. This does not fully support all children, particularly those who prefer to learn in the natural environment.
Nevertheless, children delight in opportunities to be physically active. They enjoy climbing steps on the slide and completing an obstacle course.The bilingual curriculum is effective in promoting children's language, social and cultural development.
Children hear and use their home languages confidently in play and learning. This raises children's sense of belonging. However, children have fewer opportunities to appreciate and value other backgrounds and cultures beyond their own community.
The provider supports her staff very well. She provides them with good feedback to help identify development points in their teaching practice. Staff value this ongoing professional guidance and report that they enjoy working at the kindergarten.
They have implemented knowledge gained from training, which has enabled them to support children's behaviour more effectively. This is particularly positive given that some children found it initially difficult to listen and follow instructions well.Staff work closely with parents and other professionals to achieve a consistent approach to children's learning.
Parents are full of praise for the way staff teach and care for their children. This close partnership is actively contributing to children's development and good progression.Children of all ages play well together.
They show kindness towards others, such as by taking turns and sharing their toys. The strong friendships children build with their peers support their emotional well-being.Children enjoy exploring texture and malleable materials.
For instance, they delight in mixing shaving foam and oats using their senses and physical abilities. Children have a strong sense of creativity and natural curiosity.Staff make good use of questioning to extend children's learning.
For example, during a group activity, they ask children about the life cycle of a butterfly to develop their thinking skills. In addition, they raise children's awareness of numbers by encouraging them to count in different ways. This motivates children to learn important skills.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider carries out checks of all adults to establish their suitability to work with children. She deploys staff effectively to ensure children are supervised at all times.
Staff complete safeguarding training regularly to keep their knowledge up to date. They know how to identify children who may be at risk of abuse, including signs of extremist views and behaviours. Staff are aware of how to report any concerns about children's welfare.
They keep a detailed record of children attending the kindergarten to monitor for any concerns. This helps to keep children safe.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nextend staff's understanding of how to plan and sequence the curriculum for outdoors, to better support children who prefer to learn in the natural world make greater use of the learning environments to further raise children's understanding of backgrounds and cultures beyond their own community.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.