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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are very happy to attend the club. They chat and laugh with each other and adults as they relax after their school day. Children show that they are confident, settled, and independent.
They quickly choose their own play and concentrate on completing their tasks. For instance, children set up a complex toy road track. Staff demonstrate to younger children how the cars can be safely used and made to race fast.
This results in children having lots of fun and successfully completing their chosen activity. Children are eager to join in with the motivating play experiences that staff carefully plan for them. For example..., they choose picture cards showing items, such as planets, toys or fruit.
Children concentrate on making models from dough to represent these. Lots of laughter takes place when the children take turns guessing what their friends have made. Children are helped to behave well.
They are supported to express their feelings and to talk to an adult if they are feeling unsettled. Children demonstrate a positive attitude towards their play. They are proud of their achievements.
For instance, they are keen to show visitors their drawings and models they make from bricks.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The experienced provider is passionate about providing high-quality care for children. She knows children's personalities very well and she shares this information with the staff.
The provider and staff work together to ensure children feel happy and safe attending the club. Consequently, children enjoy the company of other children and staff. They have a positive sense of belonging and high levels of self-esteem and well-being.
The provider works closely with her staff and monitors the quality of care and play opportunities they provide for children. She provides them with helpful feedback to support their future performance. Staff are keen to continue to enhance their practice, such as completing higher qualifications to extend their knowledge further.
The provider and her staff continually reflect on what they do and the service provided. They seek the views of children and implement their ideas about what they want to do, such as playing table tennis. The provider often introduces new imaginative games and craft ideas to help keep children motivated and engaged.
Some children enjoy playing various games on tablets. The provider monitors the time children spend on these and successfully suggests choosing other activities to play. She acknowledges that staff could do more activities to help extend children's awareness of keeping safe online.
Staff support children's understanding of being healthy. Children manage their personal hygiene well and know where to place their personal belongings. Staff follow clear processes to ensure that any medical or dietary requirements are met.
Children have opportunities to enjoy fresh air and to develop their physical skills. For example, they thoroughly enjoy playing table tennis and using the outdoor school grounds for ball games. Older children are particularly kind and helpful to the younger children.
For instance, they happily play with each other and join in with imaginative games, such as pretending to be dinosaurs or unicorns.Relationships with parents are strong. Parents appreciate the flexibility the club offers, to help cater for their changing work patterns.
They say that the staff are terrific and that their children love coming to the club. Parents report that they are extremely well informed about the organisation of the club and what their children enjoy doing.Staff plan fun activities that they know will interest children and ensure that these complement their learning at school.
Children are supported to master skills that they find difficult. For example, staff help them to use scissors effectively when making art and craft items. This helps to support children's self-esteem.
There is a positive partnership between the staff and the teachers at the school. Staff communicate closely with teachers and some staff work in the school with them during the school day. As a result, children's individual needs are very well known.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The provider and staff have a sound knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding and child protection policies. They all attend regular training to help keep their knowledge up to date.
Staff understand how to identify a child who may be at risk, including exposure to extreme ideas and behaviours. The provider follows safe recruitment procedures and checks the ongoing suitability of staff. Staff complete thorough risk assessments to help keep everyone at the club safe.
This includes minimising the risk of COVID-19. Children play in safe areas. They are helped to be respectful towards each other and to the adults caring for them.