Knightwood Kids Club

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About Knightwood Kids Club

Name Knightwood Kids Club
Address Knightwood Primary School, Bellflower Way, Chandler’s Ford, EASTLEIGH, Hampshire, SO53 4HW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are extremely settled in the warm, comfortable and welcoming environment. They enter the club happily, engage quickly, and excitedly talk about their school day with staff and their friends.

Staff provide an inclusive and nurturing environment for all children, who develop a strong sense of security and belonging. Children are well listened to and their views and opinions given high priority. For instance, staff gather their feedback regularly, analyse the results and then act on them swiftly.

They ensure that children can relax and socialise with their friends. They balance this well with opportunities for childr...en to engage in stimulating activities.Staff actively engage with all the children, providing them with exciting and stimulating activities, both indoors and outdoors.

For example, children weave friendship bracelets for their friends. Children have plenty of opportunity to be physically active in the large outdoor space. They enjoy participating in group games, where they listen to instructions and follow the rules.

Children's behaviour is exemplary.Staff support children's emotional health well. They have prioritised helping children to settle, build confidence and re-establish friendship groups during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

For example, children have written letters to their friends who were not able to attend the club. This thoughtful exchange allowed for children to settle quickly back into the club with their friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager and deputy manager have a clear vision for the club.

They are dedicated and passionate about providing a place where children have fun. Managers share their vision for the club with the enthusiastic and committed staff team. Staff work well as a cohesive team and have a good understanding of their responsibilities.

They share a commitment to providing a quality service for children and their families.Professional development for staff is strong. Effective supervision procedures ensure that staff understand their roles and responsibilities.

Staff access online and on-site training to support their professional development. They comment that they feel well supported and enjoy working at the club.Staff have high expectations of all children and are positive role models.

Children are kind and considerate to others. They demonstrate high levels of confidence and emotional security. All children listen to instructions and respond appropriately to clear guidance.

They happily share, take turns and welcome others into their games.The committee makes a thorough evaluations of the service the club provides. It uses feedback from staff, children, parents, and staff at the host school effectively to make changes which benefit children.

For instance, staff regularly ask children for their thoughts and ideas to improve activities at the club, acting on their views and suggestions.Children develop an understanding of staying healthy. Staff give clear messages to all children about the benefits of exercise and playing outside in the fresh air.

Staff provide snacks for children and manage hygiene practices well, such as following good hygiene procedures when serving food and making sure children wash their hands before eating. Although some food provided encourages some healthy choices, this is not promoted as well as possible.The managers have built effective and beneficial working relationships with the host school.

They use these professional partnerships to ensure continuity of care for all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff exchange information and relay messages from teachers and parents to help with communication and consistency.Parents are very complimentary about the club.

They comment that their children love the club and that staff have helped them to settle quickly. Parents commend the staff for staying open during the COVID-19 pandemic and for providing care for key workers and their families.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The manager, staff and the committee have a strong understanding of their responsibility to safeguard children. They show a robust understanding of the procedure to follow if a child is at risk of harm, either at the club or at home. The committee ensures that staff attend regular training and checks that their safeguarding knowledge is up to date.

It informs Ofsted on any changes as required and completes suitability checks in a timely way. Staff are deployed effectively and supervise children well to assure their safety. For example, staff use walkie talkies to communicate with each other as children move between activities indoors and outdoors.

Also at this postcode
Knightwood Primary School Valley Knights Childcare

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