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About Kool Kids Club
Kool Kids Club
Clifton with Rawcliffe Primary School, Eastholme Drive, York, YO30 5TA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children have a lovely time in this fun-filled environment. Staff have a good understanding that children have different needs at the end of a busy school day. They ask the children what they would like to do and set out resources for them accordingly.
For example, children are happy to play outside, selecting resources, such as balls, hoops and skipping ropes. Together, they devise games to challenge one another or take turns to decide who goes in goal as they play football. Children thoroughly enjoy being outside and recognise that the fresh air and exercise helps them to feel good.
These activities help children to lear...n skills that will help them to take part in new experiences with confidence at school and later in life.Children enjoy being with staff and engage them in their games and conversations about their day at school. Staff have a calm and caring approach, which helps children to relax into their time at the club.
Children show high levels of motivation in the activities provided. For example, they are eager to discover what will happen when they drip vinegar onto baking soda. Staff introduce new words, such as 'chemical reaction'.
This helps children to expand their vocabulary and gain some understanding of how things work.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders have improved aspects of their provision since their last inspection. Staff have received support and training to ensure that they all have a secure knowledge and understanding of safeguarding.
They know what to do should they have concerns about the conduct of a colleague and can recognise the possible indicators of abuse associated with extremism and radicalisation.The staff team have clear roles and responsibilities and work well together to offer enjoyable experiences for children. The manager works directly with children and staff.
She provides ongoing support and guidance to staff to build on their knowledge and skills. In addition, staff benefit from ongoing supervision sessions to help monitor their performance and to support their well-being. Staff say that they are happy in their roles and report that they feel well supported by the leadership team.
Staff engage in meaningful conversations with children and listen intently to them as they speak with confidence and excitement about their school day. Staff recognise when children may need some extra encouragement to join in, and their ongoing support helps children to grow in confidence.Children concentrate on a task until they complete it.
For example, children spend time carefully creating pictures with a range of media and materials. They spend time drawing and writing, and chat away to their friends and staff about what they are doing.Children's behaviour is very good.
They gain responsibility when they have a chance to create the rules and boundaries themselves. They routinely use good manners when talking with staff and their peers. Older children are especially kind and caring towards younger children.
They are keen to help the younger children to learn club routines and give them practical help if they need it. Children say they like coming to the club to see and play with their friends and say, 'they all get on really well'.Partnerships with the host school are strong.
Staff speak with children's teachers to find out what they are learning in school. They use the information to plan a range of activities that follow children's interests at the levels they need. This helps to ensure children's needs are met.
Parents' comments are overwhelmingly positive. They are extremely happy with the provision offered. They comment that the improvement made by the leadership team have had a positive impact on the club and improved the experiences that children receive.
They value the detailed information they receive about their children's time in school and at the club.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interest first.