Little Blossoms Childcare Holly Spring

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About Little Blossoms Childcare Holly Spring

Name Little Blossoms Childcare Holly Spring
Ofsted Inspections
Address Hollyspring Junior & Infant School, Lily Hill Road, BRACKNELL, Berkshire, RG12 2SW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Gender Mixed
Local Authority BracknellForest
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive excited to play and they leave their parents easily. When needed, staff support children sensitively. Children feel safe and secure in the care of staff.

They show high levels of curiosity and interest during their play and activities. Children concentrate very well when exploring activities. For example, children became fascinated as they tipped and poured water down sections of drainpipes.

Children enjoy books and songs as part of their daily routines. They learn to listen, such as during small-group times. They hear how to say words as staff speak clearly to them.

In addition, staff demonstr...ate how to put words together to make sentences. This helps to promote children's communication and language skills effectively. Staff understand children's individual learning needs very well.

They are extremely committed to supporting all children to achieve and make good progress. Children who need extra help to catch up receive good support. Children develop an understanding of themselves and others.

For instance, photos of their families are on display along with words in other languages used at home. In addition, during role play, children use real food packaging that is familiar to them. Children develop an awareness of the expectations of behaviour.

They receive consistent guidance and reminders, for example to walk indoors. Overall, children develop their independence appropriately. For example, they make choices from the activities and toys available.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

There are strong partnerships and communication with parents. Staff provide effective support to help parents support their children's learning at home. They provide advice, such as reading books and singing songs at home to help support children to develop their language skills.

Parents speak very positively about their experiences and those of their children. They say that their children are settled and happy. Parents receive regular information about their children's day and development, for example through daily discussions and an online app.

The staff know and understand what children need to learn. They prioritise areas of learning based on this, to help children gain the skills and knowledge they need for the future. As a result, they implement a clear curriculum, which is well considered and sequenced.

Staff use their training effectively to support children's learning. For example, staff who have recently undertaken specific communication and language training implement strategies successfully and support other staff in the use of these. This is starting to have a positive impact on children's communication and language development.

Staff quickly identify if children need extra help and support in their learning. They make timely referrals to outside professionals, such as for speech and language therapy. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities receive good support.

Staff work closely with parents and professionals involved to support children consistently.Staff encourage children to be active and develop their large-physical skills, such as learning to balance. They develop children's awareness of how to care for their bodies, including eating healthily and good hygiene.

For instance, children explored a variety of different vegetables and staff talked to them about how they help their bodies grow big and strong.Children form good relationships with staff and each other. They are confident to approach staff if they need help.

Staff respond sensitively to children. For example, when children are unable to express themselves in words, staff encourage them to show them what they need. At times, staff step in quickly to help children with routine tasks.

This does not enable children to try and do things for themselves.Staff have long-standing links with the school and its nursery on the same site. They exchange information at handovers with the nursery staff when children attend both settings.

However, this is mainly about the care needs of children. Staff do not consistently exchange information about children's learning and development. This does not fully promote a shared approach for children's learning between the settings.

Staff feel well supported in their roles. They speak positively about the other staff and managers and say that they work well as a team. Staff have regular opportunities for training and professional development to help extend their practice.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff and managers have a secure understanding of safeguarding. They know how to keep children safe.

For example, managers ensure that staff are deployed well in different areas, such as outside, to supervise children closely. Staff know how to identify and respond to any concerns about children's welfare. They are aware of how to manage any concerns about children or other staff, including making referrals to outside agencies.

Staff work closely with other professionals when required to support families and to help promote children's well-being. The managers implement a vigilant recruitment process and they regularly review staff's suitability to work with children.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: build on the communication with other settings that children attend, to help support their learning and progress more consistently develop staff's awareness of supporting children's independence, including allowing children time to manage tasks by themselves, to help build further on these skills.

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