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About Little Blue Van SJ
Little Blue Van SJ
St. Josephs Rc Primary School, North Road, Hertford, SG14 2BU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are very happy at this setting.
They radiate joy and enthusiasm as soon as they walk through the doors. Younger children are supported to come to the setting by caring staff, while older children make their own way, to promote their independence. Staff and leaders create a fun and dynamic environment.
Children are confident to voice their preferences and interests, and knowledgeable staff carefully consider these when planning meaningful and stimulating activities. Staff prompt children to make their own decisions about what activities to explore next, indoors and outdoors. For example, a group of children choose ...to play football on the playground.
They work collaboratively with their peers, following the rules of the game, while staff guide them to persevere when challenges occur. Staff and leaders are supportive and nurturing. They have very clear expectations of children, who rise to the challenge incredibly well.
They understand the setting's routines and boundaries and follow them with confidence and ease. Staff and leaders also follow the school's ethos and beliefs and continuously encourage children to embrace these with grace and dedication. This supports the continuity of care and education.
Furthermore, staff and leaders appreciate children's achievements and praise them for their efforts. This makes them feel involved and valued and develops their emotional resilience.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Experienced leaders provide an inclusive and diverse practice.
Effective systems to capture children's needs and interests mean that children settle and adapt very quickly at this setting. In addition, staff and leaders ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are included and fully supported.Staff are excellent role models to all children.
They continuously engage in discussions and conversations with children and form very fond relationships with them. They are very attentive to children's needs and preferences and organise fun activities to broaden their experiences. This helps support children's communication and language skills and strengthen their social interactions.
Children benefit from amazing opportunities to perfect their fine motor skills and dexterity. They use small building blocks to create structures and sceneries. Children work well with their peers, exploring various ideas while engaging in imaginative play.
Staff prompt them to solve problems and communicate effectively, to further develop their critical thinking and cognitive development.To further enhance children's fine motor skills and creativity, staff encourage children to learn to knit using their fingers. Children concentrate intently at the task and make their own bracelets.
In addition, children use clay and templates to make snakes and mice. Staff prompt children to engage in discussions about what they are doing while following the instructions as required. This also supports children's listening and attention skills and increases their concentration span.
Staff provide great opportunities for children to engage in guessing games. As children focus intently to guess the shape and the drawing, they show high levels of fascination and determination. They quickly become very competitive while maintaining respect and consideration towards their peers.
Nurturing staff also prompt children to recall past events and experiences to build on their communication and language skills.Leaders are very ambitious, reflective and inspirational. They have a very clear vision for their setting and work relentlessly to provide unique and meaningful experiences for all children, in a calm and happy environment.
Their ethos and dedication is embraced by all staff with commitment. Leaders create a positive and supportive culture, where staff's well-being and professional development are highly valued. Staff benefit from regular supervision meetings and tailored training programmes to refresh and improve their knowledge and skills.
They report they are very happy to work at this setting.Partnerships with parents are robust. They praise the dynamic and safe environment and mention how well looked after their children are.
Parents also appreciate the effective communication and the support and flexibility they receive from all staff and leaders.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.