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One Pool Farm, Dyers Lane, Iron Acton, BRISTOL, BS37 9XU
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are eager to enter the setting. They separate from their parents, and staff greet them warmly, which enables them to settle quickly.
Older children follow routines independently and organise their belongings on arrival. For example, they hang coats on pegs and place their water bottles on drinking stations. This promotes children's independence and self-awareness to look after their belongings.
Children are happy and confident. They spend a prolonged period in self-chosen activities, indoors and outdoors. Staff skilfully support them.
They encourage children to develop their social interactions, commu...nication skills and physical development. Children make good progress from their starting points.Children are good communicators.
They learn Makaton, which further enhances their interactions with each other. For instance, children confidently use the signs for 'more', 'please' and 'thank you'. Children behave well.
Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. Children react positively to staff as they remind them to take turns or share resources during play. They are polite and kind to their friends and visitors.
For example, they confidently bound over to visitors to ask, 'What's your name?' and engage them in conversation.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff know children well. They use effective assessment and planning to design activities that children will engage with.
Staff often challenge them by extending their learning. For example, older children explore sensory play and staff extend this to create 'slime'. Staff allow children to explore a range of textures and colours, mixing them and linking key vocabulary such as 'fluffy, soft and squishy like marshmallows' to extend their language skills and imaginative play.
Staff encourage children to develop a love for books and reading. They select books that they know children will enjoy. Babies show interest in the illustrations and help to turn the pages.
Older children show confidence to join in with the repeated phrases from familiar stories that they enjoy. However, during these key times, group sizes can have large numbers of children, meaning some children cannot hear or see the story and, therefore, do not gain the same learning experience as others.Staff are good role models for the children.
They talk to the children with respect and are attentive to their care needs. For example, staff ask if the children would like help getting their shoes on, or if they would like help cutting their snack, and then they wait for a response. This encourages the children's independence and supports their emotional well-being.
However, there are times when staff do not hear children asking for help due to noise levels. This leaves some children waiting for long periods and, therefore, they miss the beginning of activities and learning experiences.Early mathematical language is emerging through children's play.
Children and staff count as they splash through puddles in their wellington boots. Others learn about things being 'heavy' and 'light' as they explore 'loose parts,' such as buttons, stones and metal items.A strength of the setting is the commitment to ensure all children are included and supported.
Children with special educational needs/and or disabilities (SEND) receive the early help and support that they need. Staff work together with parents and other professionals to identify and target support, to help close any gaps in children's learning. Children with SEND willingly engage in the wider range of small-group sessions that staff provide.
They are developing increasing confidence to engage with their peers and to seek comfort and support from staff across the nursery.The manager is new to her role and has high ambitions for the quality of care and education. She promotes an open-door policy for staff and will take time to seeks their views.
The manager actively encourages staff to contribute to and take the lead on proposed changes. Action plans are reviewed regularly.Parent partnerships are positive.
The manager works hard to build strong links with the children's home. For example, she provides a 'swap shop' outside the provision for parents to utilise. This includes clothes, books and household items to support them should they need it.
Home-learning bags are promoted. These are to provide 'easy-read information' around topics such as allergies and online safety. Staff take the time to provide detailed, personalised feedback to parents about the care and activities provided to their children during the day, which is well received.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manger and staff ensure the environment is safe for children to play. They assess any risks and put steps in place to minimise potential hazards.
The manager and staff demonstrate a good understanding of their responsibility to safeguard children. They can identify the signs and symptoms that a child may be at risk of harm. Staff know how and when to record and report their concerns to other professionals, such as the local authority.
The manager and staff work alongside other professionals to support families when needed. The manager checks the ongoing suitability of staff working with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: reduce group sizes during activities so all children can experience the same learning opportunities review the noise levels within rooms to ensure all children can express themselves and be heard.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.