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The Key Centre, The Key, FLEET, Hampshire, GU51 1HA
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children confidently and independently enter the pre-school, eager to begin their day.
They are warmly greeted and welcomed by smiling staff. Children know where to store their belongings before choosing what to play with and where to play. They show they enjoy their time at the pre-school, as the setting fills with children's excited chatter and laughter.
Children know who their key person is, which helps them to develop a secure sense of belonging. Their individual needs are known and met. This has a great impact on children's confidence, behaviour and emotional well-being.
Children clearly demonstrate that ...they are settled and feel secure in the staff's warm and attentive care. Children play cooperatively with one another, taking turns with resources and communicating effectively. Staff are positive role models for children, who behave well.
Children know the expectations from staff, such as to wear a helmet before riding bikes. They are capable and independent learners. Children listen to what staff say and swiftly respond to instructions.
Older children help younger children. For instance, they remind them what the 'teacher said' to help keep them safe when playing in the mud kitchen. Children of all ages show positive attitudes to each other and to their learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager and her staff team have a secure understanding of their aims and aspirations for children during their time at the pre-school. They have reflected on where children need the most support in their learning and tailored their curriculum to meet these needs.Staff place a strong focus on supporting children's communication skills.
They have developed language groups, for example, to offer highly engaging activities designed to excite children and support their speech development. Sign language is effectively used alongside speech, enabling all children to have a voice. Children are learning to be effective communicators who can make their needs known.
Children benefit from a stimulating and inviting learning environment that staff provide to support and ignite their learning. Outdoors, children climb and balance, make mud cakes and investigate water. Indoors, children explore art resources, role play as pirates in a boat and discover sensory experiences.
Children are generally self-motivated to play and learn. However, after lunch, children are less engaged with their learning, and there is less of a 'buzz' from them. Although staff offer some new challenges in the afternoon, children are not as motivated, and they learn at a slower pace.
Additional funding is very effectively used to offer all children equal opportunities in the pre-school. Staff know where children need more help with their learning or would benefit from different resources to engage them. This allows staff to make a positive impact on helping to close gaps in children's experiences, opportunities and learning.
Children take part in activities to support their physical development. They hunt for treasure, for instance, completing physical challenges along the way. Staff are effective role models, and children copy star jumps, 'walk the plank' and catch balls.
Children are excited and motivated to join in. However, occasionally, adult-led group times are not effective in supporting children's learning. At times, group activities are too long, and there are too many children to cater for all their learning needs.
Children have many opportunities to be independent. They make choices and are encouraged to serve their own snacks and drinks. Children clearly enjoy washing up and beam with delight at the task.
Staff offer children warm praise and encouragement. This further promotes their self-confidence and self-esteem.Parents report that their children settled into pre-school rapidly, and they value the timely and informative feedback from staff.
Parents say that staff go 'above and beyond' their expectations for the education and care of the children.The manager and provider are reflective and forward thinking. They regularly evaluate the setting, using feedback from children, parents and staff.
Plans for ongoing development are ambitious, as they strive to provide children with a high-quality pre-school experience.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and provider ensure all staff are confident and secure in understanding their roles to keep children safe.
Safeguarding is a high priority, which is shared with parents from their initial contact with the pre-school. Staff have regular training to keep their skills and knowledge current. They know the signs of possible abuse and how to report any concerns about children's welfare.
Staff recruitment follows a robust process to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children. Effective supervisions, appraisals and checks are embedded in practice, allowing staff to reflect and share information regularly.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop staff practice and help them to understand how to plan and deliver a more challenging and exciting curriculum to maintain children's interest and motivation throughout the day review the organisation of adult-led group activities, considering the needs and abilities of all children in the group, so that all are equally engaged and their learning is maximised.