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The Signal Box Centre. 82, Glenalmond Avenue, Cambridge, CB2 8DB
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Leaders and staff warmly welcome children and their families as they arrive at the nursery.
Children demonstrate they feel safe and secure, particularly those who are new to the setting. As they enter the room, most children settle well and confidently begin to explore their learning environment. For those children who may need extra reassurance, staff are on hand and use what they know about each child's individual needs to help support their transitions.
As a result of these nurturing relationships, children settle quickly, demonstrate positive attitudes to their learning and make good progress from their starting po...ints. Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. Children follow the nursery rules and show respect for themselves and each other.
As they finish an activity, older children independently tidy away. Younger children are supported in understanding the setting's expectations and staff sensitively model the rules and routines. Children form close bonds with the staff.
They seek them out to play games and read stories. As staff sing songs, children independently select musical instruments and join in with the actions and words. Staff and children smile as they sing and play together.
Activities, such as these, help develop children's language and social skills.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and staff implement a curriculum that covers the areas of learning through a Montessori philosophy. They focus effectively on embedding the prime areas of children's development to underpin all other learning.
For example, staff help children to develop the strength in their hands as they explore and manipulate the play dough. Younger children are encouraged to pull and squeeze the dough, while older children make marks with tools and equipment. These experiences help to promote children's early writing skills.
Staff demonstrate a good understanding of child development and assess children's progress accurately. They use what they know about each child's individual needs, interests and developmental stage, to plan exciting activities and opportunities to move learning forward. For example, when children show an interest in the note pads and writing tools used by the adults in the nursery, staff provide children with similar resources to enable them to complete their own writing.
At times, during both adult-led activities and children's free play, staff do not pick up on other opportunities to extend children's learning even further.Children's communication and language skills are supported well. Children have access to a range of age-appropriate books and share stories of their choice with staff before sleep times.
Staff engage in meaningful conversations with children about their experiences, both inside and outside the nursery. For example, as children discuss their recent visit to 'big school', staff listen intently and ask questions to extend their language skills.Mathematical language is skilfully woven into daily routines and activities.
Staff model counting to younger children and encourage older children to match the quantity of objects to the numerals they can see. During group times, staff introduce the vocabulary of size. Children discuss whether the giraffe is 'tall' or 'short' and share their opinions as to whether the frog is 'small' or 'big'.
Subsequently, children are developing their understanding of early mathematical concepts.Leaders and staff carefully plan opportunities for children to enjoy time outdoors, to help promote their good health and physical activity. Although the nursery does not have an outdoor space attached to the building, a nearby garden is effectively used to enable children to be physically active.
As the children travel to the garden, either by foot or in a buggy, they comment on what they can see and hear. These discussions and observations help to develop their understanding of the world around them.Leaders and staff have formed good relationships with parents.
Regular communications, such as weekly newsletters and updates on an online app, are sent to parents and they comment that they feel well informed about their children's learning. Parents report that their children are well cared for and staff are calm, friendly and approachable. They have high praise for the positive impact the staff have on their children's learning and development.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to further develop their already good interactions with children so that they make the most of opportunities to extend children's learning and build on what they already know and can do.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.