Little Forest Folk

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About Little Forest Folk

Name Little Forest Folk
Ofsted Inspections
Address Piccolo Playcentre, Duke Road, Chiswick, W4 2JR
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hounslow
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children show enjoyment while exploring the wide range of stimulating opportunities that staff provide in this forest setting. They behave exceptionally well and feel safe in the care of the enthusiastic and friendly staff.

Staff support children's understanding of expectations. For example, they teach children a song about safety and the rules and emergency procedures in the forest. Children have an excellent knowledge of the procedures and understand what is expected of them.

For example, when animals come on to the camp, children know to cross their arms and stand still. Children guide the inspector to follow this r...equirement. Staff also speak to children about road safety.

Children can identify when it is safe to cross the road on their walk to the forest.Children play well together. They show respect for each other and help others to achieve a task.

For example, children independently help others to carry a hose around the camp. When children make a waterfall, they help each other to pour the water from the tub down the mud slide. Staff speak to children about their feelings and the feelings of others.

This supports children to learn about themselves as well as others. Children engage well in story sessions. For example, staff and children discuss the story of 'Pirate Pete's Potty'.

Staff encourage children to reflect on what they have read and extend on this by discussing what they do in the forest. This supports children to develop their conversational skills.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff place a focus on children's communication and language development in the setting.

They use a variety of different methods to develop and enhance children's learning in this area. Children have opportunities to create their own stories. They take turns developing their ideas and give different suggestions.

Staff then incorporate these into a story. They also display new words around the forest and include these words in conversations. For example, children talk about the sounds that different musical instruments make during a music session.

Staff explain the meaning of the word 'volume' to children.Children enjoy exploring the natural world around them. They move logs independently to look for different insects.

Staff support children's learning by joining in with their play. They encourage children to spend time looking for insects underneath the logs. Children use magnifying pots to explore the insects that they find.

Staff talk to children about how to treat animals. This helps children to learn care for and respect the natural environment around them.Children have plenty of opportunities to explore sounds.

They engage in singing sessions. For example, staff play the guitar as children and staff sing together. Children also have opportunities to play with different musical instruments.

Staff encourage them to use different volumes, such as loud and quiet. Children experiment with sounds and play the instruments at different speeds.Leaders are extremely reflective.

They evaluate the setting and create plans to further improve. Leaders have identified the stimulating forest environment to be a strength. They have also highlighted staff's supervision processes as an area they would like to further enhance.

Staff receive regular support through supervision sessions, appraisals and weekly team meetings. However, more can be done to ensure that all staff are closely monitored and supported to develop their knowledge, skills and abilities to an even higher level.Parents speak favourably about the setting.

They talk about about the benefits of the forest approach. Parents are happy with the communication that they receive and the support that is given to them and their children.Children have plenty of opportunities to develop their physical skills.

For instance, they take part in a music activity where they move their bodies in different ways. Children use their gross motor skills as they move different natural materials around the camp to create new play spaces.The special educational needs and/or disabilities coordinator (SENDCo) has a good understanding of each child's individual needs and has plans in place to support children to make progress.

Staff identify when children require additional support and refer them to external agencies if needed. The SENDCo understands the importance of working closely with these agencies to support all children to develop to their full potential. Staff use additional funding to provide opportunities to support children in the environment.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen the current arrangements for staff supervision to help all staff to reflect on their knowledge, skills and abilities and develop their practice to an even higher level.

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