Little Green Rascals - Bishopthorpe Out of School Club (OOSC)

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About Little Green Rascals - Bishopthorpe Out of School Club (OOSC)

Name Little Green Rascals - Bishopthorpe Out of School Club (OOSC)
Address Bishopthorpe Infant School, Sim Balk Lane, Bishopthorpe, York, YO23 2QQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority York
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are incredibly happy at this calm and welcoming after-school club.

They show how they feel safe as they greet their friends, visitors and staff warmly on arrival. Children show how they know the routine as they wash their hands and sit down at the table to enjoy a healthy snack. They independently access the buffet station.

Children take their plates to the sink area when they have finished eating. They embed their skills as they wash their pots and help younger children to do the same. Children are happy and beaming with confidence in this club.

The voice of the child is central to the out-of-school club...'s practice and behaviour management. Children gather to share their thoughts, ideas and influence decision-making. They create golden rules, healthy menus and focused activity plans.

Children take ownership of their play and education with adult guidance. Children are enthusiastic about developing their club. This results in excellent behaviour and an understanding of expectations of children of all ages.

Children quickly engage in play of their choice. They develop their imagination through sensory play. Children explore a selection of materials.

They build igloos using flour. Children confidently talk about the winter animals in play. They recall their learning from school.

Children negotiate with their friends over where to place blocks when they build. Staff encourage children to problem solve and work as a team when the tower starts to wobble. Children take pride in their achievements and seek out staff to show them when they are complete.

Children are consistently encouraged to develop their knowledge and skills.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children excitedly engage in imaginative play. They role play scenarios they have seen as they pretend to bake.

Staff play an active role as a chef. They dress up and ask thoughtful questions. Children are encouraged to recall their home cooking routines.

Children swap roles and experiment with different characters. They develop an understanding of the world around them.Children thoroughly enjoy outdoor play.

They have space to run around and kick balls. Children play counting games and respond by taking appropriate steps and standing still 'like a statue'. Staff teach them how to use a bat and swing to hit a ball.

Children have opportunities to strengthen their large muscles and coordination.Staff engage children well in interesting activities. They invite all children to join in play.

Children excitedly create artwork and transfer pictures onto a canvas. Staff use descriptive language during conversation to build children's language. Children are deeply engaged.

Children show their patience with small puzzles. They persevere to get coloured elastic bands onto small pegs and make patterns. Children say, 'I did it', as they achieve their goal.

Children flip and turn jigsaw pieces as they complete them. Staff provide encouragement and guidance to continue when children struggle. Children develop perseverance and problem-solving skills.

Managers and staff enhance children's understanding of different cultures and festivals. They celebrate events, such as Diwali, Easter and Lunar New Year. Staff encourage children and parents to bring in items from their own culture to share and show.

They bring in foods from around the world to share with their friends. Long-term planning includes celebrations and festivals in line with school. This ensures continuity of learning for all children.

Parents report the 'excellent' and 'highly inclusive' care their children receive. They speak of the friendly staff and the excellent communication they receive from them. They say their children love their time at the club and have flourished since attending.

Children say they 'love coming to the club'. Parents feel their voice matters and is fully included in the club.Managers and staff work closely with the host school, parents and outside agencies to ensure children have the best care plans.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are clearly identified and supported. Staff speak to teaching staff daily and share information. This provides staff with information on how children's days have been in school and supports continuity of learning.

Children are ready to learn, they enjoy how they play and learn.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Bishopthorpe Infant School

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