Little Jimmy’s Pre-school

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About Little Jimmy’s Pre-school

Name Little Jimmy’s Pre-school
Ofsted Inspections
Address St James Church Hall, Tower Road, Clacton On Sea, Essex, CO15 1LF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are at the centre of this unique pre-school. They arrive happy, separate well from their parents and settle very quickly.

Leaders and staff create a stimulating and dynamic environment that sparks children's curiosity. Staff encourage children to make informed decisions about what they would like to explore next. For example, in the garden, children enjoy using magnifying glasses to look for bugs in the grass.

Nurturing staff motivate children to look closely to observe the distinctive features of a ladybird while showing care and kindness towards living things. This helps build on children's investigative spi...rit, problem-solving and understanding of the world. Staff and leaders are very warm and supportive and have high expectations of children.

They follow the pre-school's routines and boundaries exceptionally well. Children are positive and independent learners. For example, as soon as they arrive, children change into indoors shoes to support their independence.

Furthermore, children attend to their own oral hygiene during their time at this pre-school. This helps children feel valued and deeply involved. Children have great manners and show high levels of respect towards the staff and their peers.

Children form strong relationships with the staff who, in turn, respond to their needs with kindness and consideration. Staff recognise and value all children's achievements. They offer praise and affirmation to build on their self-esteem and confidence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff offer a very diverse and inclusive practice. They take into account children's needs, abilities and interests when planning a wide range of exciting activities. Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, and children who speak English as an additional language, are fully supported in their learning journey by knowledgeable staff.

As a result, they make good progress in their learning.Staff are exemplary role models. They have good knowledge and understanding of children's development and complete regular observations to track their progress.

Staff also identify next steps in children's learning and share these with the parents. However, on occasions, staff do not identify when children need more challenge to extend their learning further, particularly younger children or those who require extra support.Children develop a passion for reading from very young age.

Their natural curiosity is nurtured through reading books with staff. Children enjoy their favourite story about a rabbit. Staff encourage them to observe and talk about how the characters are feeling and what they are doing.

This helps develop children's early reading skills and emotional resilience.Staff create great opportunities for children to build on their problem-solving skills. They enjoy a matching game with items to add to a shopping trolley.

Children listen carefully to the instructions and concentrate intently to add the correct items on their trolley. They persevere when challenges occur and show high levels of determination. This also helps build on children's listening and attention skills and cognitive development.

Children enjoy being active and exploring the garden. They use climbing apparatus with great confidence to further develop their gross motor skills and stamina. Staff encourage children to build structures, using large building blocks.

They share resources well and work well as a team. Children then decide to walk on the structure they created to strengthen their balance and coordination. This also supports children's social skills and interactions.

Leaders have a very clear vision for their pre-school. They reflect on their practice and strive to deliver high-quality care and education. Leaders appreciate and value staff and create a positive and supportive culture.

Staff receive focused supervision meetings and training opportunities to ensure their knowledge is current. Leaders are passionate and committed to ensure all children receive the best start to their early education. This is embraced by all staff.

Partnership with parents is effective. They value the home-from-home environment and praise the inspirational activities. Parents feel involved in their children's learning and are grateful for the progress they make.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: help staff to adapt the quality of their teaching to ensure children's learning is suitably challenged and extended.

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