Little Jimmy’s Pre-School - Cann Hall

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About Little Jimmy’s Pre-School - Cann Hall

Name Little Jimmy’s Pre-School - Cann Hall
Ofsted Inspections
Address Cann Hall Primary School, Constable Avenue, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, CO16 8DA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Essex
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children's fun and exciting learning adventures start even before entering this impressive pre-school.

While skipping joyfully along the path to enter, children practise counting in sequence on the colourful hopscotch. Parents and children are warmly welcomed by the extremely caring and enthusiastic staff. The management team and staff know children so well.

Because of this, they provide the right level of help that each child needs to successfully hang up their belongings and self-register on arrival. This gradually supports their increasing independence, and they feel safe and comfortable from the start.Children atte...nding the pre-school benefit considerably from special experiences, such as visits to the local fire station and the annual beach trip being a firm favourite.

These events give children experiences that they may not normally encounter in their daily lives and promotes their social and cultural development very well. Children develop a love of books, often reading independently or singing nursery rhymes with others for enjoyment. Children learn positive behaviours and play cooperatively.

This is because adults work hard at making sure that children understand how to share well and treat each other fairly. Children demonstrate this when using sand timers to initiate turn-taking and ensure everyone's safety when using the trampoline.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The bright and inviting indoor and outdoor environments are exceedingly well resourced.

Staff consider children's interests and continually evaluate children's progress with robust assessment processes and parents' valuable input. They use this information to plan a rich range of activities and experiences and ensure gaps in attainment are narrowing. Consequently, all children make good progress in their learning and development.

Children develop caring and trusting bonds with the staff. They provide meaningful praise for children's good behaviours. This promotes their understanding of the behaviours expected of them.

Additionally, they support children to process their emotions through various interventions such as the 'buddy bench'. Children can begin to regulate their emotions here, reflecting and talking about how they are feeling.Overall, teaching is of very good quality.

The curriculum ethos is ambitious and flexible to meet individual children's needs. The dedicated and efficient management team consider staff's input to ensure staff fully understand and implement it successfully throughout the pre-school. Staff report excellent well-being.

They praise the ongoing training they receive that complements the care and teaching they provide to children.Staff build on what children know and can do to support their ongoing progress.For example, younger children who are learning good hygiene routines, such as daily tooth brushing, are encouraged to look in the mirror as they brush.

Staff also model fun brushing techniques that makes the process enjoyable. As a result, children are becoming increasingly competent in their self-care.Staff frequently repeat words and provide running commentary during children's play, to extend their communication and language development.

Staff introduce visual prompts to assist their deeper understanding of spoken words. Occasionally, some staff do not give children sufficient time to think about or respond to questions. This means children do not have the opportunity to develop their own ideas or extend their language skills.

Mealtimes are sociable events. Staff model healthy eating habits extremely well. Children are developing their independence such as self-serving their healthy snacks and pouring drinks themselves.

This is good preparation for when they move on to school.Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities are well supported in the nursery, leading them to flourish and achieve their best outcomes. They thrive because the pre-school works exceptionally closely with families and external agencies to keep a close check on each child's specific needs and progress.

Parents are full of praise for the pre-school and feel that it is a very special place for their children. Parents appreciate the unique and robust way information is shared with them about their child's daily and ongoing progress. They applaud the range of events they are invited to attend, which are hugely beneficial in helping them to support their children's learning at home.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to reflect on their already good teaching to help raise children's speech and language development to an even higher level.

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