Little Munchkins Children’s Club

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About Little Munchkins Children’s Club

Name Little Munchkins Children’s Club
Address St. Bartholomews School, Sedgley Road, WOLVERHAMPTON, WV4 5LG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Staffordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are relaxed and happy in this welcoming club. Children arrive and greet staff with hugs. This shows children have warm and trusting relationships with the staff.

The kind and caring staff sit with children and listen with genuine interest as children share their news. Staff provide plenty of opportunities after school for children to be physically active and enjoy time in the fresh air. Staff show children they value their ideas and opinions.

They include children's requests and suggestions when planning the snack menus. Staff provide regular opportunities for children to help to plan activities. This helps childr...en to feel a strong sense of belonging at the club.

Staff provide a calm and relaxing environment for children to spend time in after school. Children of all ages behave well and are kind and considerate towards one another. Staff support children's independence.

Children take care of their own belongings while in the club. They choose their snack and help themselves to drinks. Children demonstrate high levels of confidence.

They are keen to share what they enjoy about the club with visitors, such as spending time outdoors, being with their friends and craft activities. Children say they enjoy being with the staff who are 'fun and kind'.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The provider is dedicated to ensuring the club provides a high-quality service to parents and children.

She supports staff with regular supervisions and ongoing professional development. As a result, all staff have a strong understanding of their roles. This helps them to provide an environment that is fun, safe and inclusive for all the children who attend.

The key-person system is effective. Partnerships with parents and the host school are a key strength of the club. When children start at the club, staff work closely with parents and the school teachers to gain information they can use to help children to settle quickly.

Staff provide different levels of support for each child's age and needs. This helps to build children's confidence and supports new children to settle well.Staff know the children well.

They take time to find out about children's interests and abilities. This helps staff to plan and adapt activities, so that all children have the best possible time at the club. Staff regularly check on younger children to provide any necessary support or reassurance.

Staff are good role models. They demonstrate good manners and create an environment of mutual respect. Staff ensure children are aware of and adhere to the rules of the club.

Consequently, children are polite and know what is expected of them and behave well. They seek out others to join in their play.Older children are kind to younger children.

They encourage them to join in activities and patiently teach them new skills.The club is a hive of activity. Staff provide a wide variety of activities and resources that harness children's interests.

Indoors, children become deeply absorbed in craft activities and board games. Outdoors, children have great fun as they play different ball games, use skipping ropes and practise their balancing skills on bucket stilts.Throughout the club, staff initiate conversations with the children.

Staff listen with interest as children talk about their families and personal experiences. This helps to build children's confidence and self-esteem.Staff deploy themselves effectively to ensure children are safe and can take full advantage of the wide range of activities available to them, indoors and outdoors.

However, on occasions some staff do not always recognise when children would benefit from adult interaction.Staff promote healthy eating and children's good health in the club. They provide children with healthy, nutritious food at mealtimes.

Fresh water is available to children and staff regularly encourage children to help themselves.Parents speak very highly of the staff and the service they provide. They say their children are happy in the club and look forward to the sessions they attend.

Parents say they feel confident their children are kept safe during their time in the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
St Bartholomew’s Church of England Primary School Engagedu CIC

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