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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
The calm and nurturing welcome that children receive as they arrive at this nursery helps them to feel safe and secure. Children confidently say goodbye to their parents and settle quickly. Staff have developed strong bonds with their key children.
They provide encouragement as children access the provision. Children of all ages enjoy exploring the environment and relish in opportunities to play alongside the caring staff. For example, babies giggle as they hold hands with staff to sing and dance.
Older children snuggle into cosy areas to hear staff read aloud to them. Children are happy and confident.Children play alo...ngside each other positively.
With adult support, they learn to take turns and to share resources. Staff support children to develop positive attitudes to learning. They encourage children to try new experiences and to not give up when things become difficult.
Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour. They model respectful interactions and encourage children to use good manners. Staff explain to children how to play safely and give clear reminders about the expectations.
This supports children to begin to understand the impact of their behaviour on others. Children benefit from an ambitious and varied curriculum that provides them with opportunities to explore the world around them. Staff provide 'nature bags' for children to take home to fill with things they have found in the natural environment.
Children use utensils to squeeze out the inside of root vegetables, exploring the smell and texture. They recall seeing baby ducks in the nursery. All children make good progress in their learning.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders carefully consider how to use additional funding, such as early years pupil premium. They liaise with staff, parents and other professionals when making these decisions. Leaders ensure that the funding is used effectively to help narrow any gaps in children's development and to enhance their learning experiences.
All children receive the support they need and make good progress from their starting points.Parents are kept well informed about their children's development. They are given many opportunities to contribute to discussions with staff about their children's progress.
This two-way communication between home and nursery promotes continuity of care and supports parents to extend children's learning at home.Leaders and staff promote healthy lifestyles. They ensure that children have daily access to fresh air.
Staff talk to children about the importance of eating healthy foods. Staff promote children's oral health by supporting parents to access a dentist for their children. Children demonstrate that they are beginning to understand how to make healthy choices and to look after their bodies.
Children benefit from a sequential mathematical curriculum that prepares them well for the next stage of their education. Staff model mathematical vocabulary to babies and encourage them to use single words such as 'more' and 'big' in the context of their play. Staff prompt children to think mathematically as they ask them questions such as, 'How many will be left?' Children make good progress in their mathematical skills.
Staff promote children's speech and language development well. They engage children in meaningful conversations and introduce new vocabulary. Children are exposed to a range of words as staff read books to children throughout the day.
Staff provide good support for children who speak English as an additional language. Children are becoming confident communicators and are making good progress in their early literacy skills.Staff support children to be able to manage their personal needs.
They teach children how to wipe their own noses and how to put on their coats and shoes. Babies access their own water cups independently and are taught how to use cutlery from an early age. Children who are ready to learn how to use the toilet receive support, praise and encouragement from staff.
Children become increasingly independent.Staff know children well and are clear about what they intend for children to learn. Overall, staff engage children well and use their interactions to build on their knowledge and skills.
However, on occasions, when activities do not engage some children, staff do not always identify this or respond by providing these learning opportunities through children's self-chosen play. This means that, at times, not all children benefit from the intended curriculum.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Leaders ensure that staff attend regular safeguarding training. Staff know the signs that might lead them to be concerned about a child's welfare and how to report these concerns. Leaders and staff have a secure knowledge of the steps to take should they have any concerns about the conduct of a colleague.
Leaders have robust recruitment systems in place to ensure that staff are suitable to work with children. All staff understand and implement the nursery's safeguarding policy in relation to the use of mobile phones.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: support staff to understand how to adapt learning experiences to ensure all children benefit from the intended curriculum.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.