Little Pumpkins Nursery Ltd

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About Little Pumpkins Nursery Ltd

Name Little Pumpkins Nursery Ltd
Ofsted Inspections
Address 2-4 Crowther Road, LONDON, SE25 5QW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Leaders, managers and staff have made good progress and successfully met all actions raised at the last inspection.

They have introduced new methods of planning so that staff now capture children's interests and learning needs. They have reviewed the curriculum and resources and rearranged some group rooms. This enables children to follow their own interests during play and benefit from a broad range of activities that promote all areas of learning.

New staff have been employed to ensure that required ratios are maintained. Staff are embedding the key-person system well to ensure children's individual needs are met. robust systems of induction and regular appraisals are now in place, resulting in staff understanding their roles and responsibilities.

Staff acknowledge the successful changes they have made and say they have all pulled together as a team. Children enjoy a calm and well-organised learning environment where they are building strong relationships with staff and each other. Younger children's communication and language skills are successfully promoted during group circle times.

They become fully engaged as they giggle and hum along to familiar songs with staff. They identify which song they have been humming and then enthusiastically sing the songs and join in the actions together. Babies are happy and settled.

They receive lots of support and encouragement from staff while developing their early walking skills. They develop good communication skills and show strong bonds with staff as they smile and babble while looking at books with them.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children enjoy focused activities where they mix different colours of water at the 'potions station'.

They explore and smell other ingredients and add them to their potions. Staff extend children's learning well as they ask children if they can remember which colours they began with and how the colours have changed. Children share and take turns well.

They show good language skills as they keenly talk about what they are making and listen well to others.Parents give positive comments about the changes since the last inspection, including improvements to staffing arrangements. They know who their child's key person is and value the regular updates they receive about their children's progress.

Parents feel that the curriculum has improved, and they like the home learning activities that staff provide. They comment that their children's communication and language skills have improved and that older children are well prepared for school.Staff have completed relevant training in child protection and safeguarding, including the 'Prevent' duty guidance.

This has improved their knowledge and understanding of the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about children's welfare or if any allegations are raised against staff.Children frequently look at books independently and enjoy listening to stories read by staff. Their literacy skills are further enhanced as they take books home to read with their parents.

However, some books are now worn and not in such good condition, which may distract children's enjoyment and use of books.Older children become engrossed while playing in their role-play café. They develop good social skills as they play cooperatively while cooking their pretend foods.

They show good mathematics skills as they confidently count the eggs and the money in the till.Children enjoy being creative. They use paints and art and craft materials to create their own artwork.

Older children keenly draw pictures and use construction sets to make their own models. Children show what they have made with pride and receive lots of praise from staff. However, staff do not fully promote children's sense of belonging and celebrate their achievements, such as displaying their artwork and drawings.

Staff work closely with parents and other agencies to ensure that children's needs are met and their welfare is promoted. Staff take prompt action to initiate assessments to support children who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. This ensures that children are appropriately supported to make the best progress.

Children's health is promoted well through lots of outside play, exercise and healthy meals. They enjoy sociable mealtimes where they make choices of foods they like to eat. Staff are aware of children's individual dietary needs and support children in developing their self-care skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: strengthen risk assessments of resources to ensure that books are regularly checked and repaired so that children's love of books and reading is fully enhanced develop opportunities for children to further celebrate their achievements and build on their sense of belonging.

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