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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Leaders successfully achieve their ambitious vision and provide a loving and caring environment for children that is an extension of their home.
They ensure that children receive the best possible start in life. Leaders and staff provide first-rate support for families and children. Staff ensure that all children can attend every day, should a parent need this help.
Leaders and staff are exceptionally knowledgeable about the children who attend. They put children at the very heart of this inspirational nursery. Staff have very high expectations for children's learning.
For instance, they encourage paren...ts to add information to the nursery calendar about events happening at home. Staff use this information exceptionally well. They provide activities that truly complement these home experiences.
For example, staff act very swiftly on children's interests after visiting a car wash at the weekend. Children wash a member of staff's car in the nursery garden. They have immense fun and engage in highly stimulating conversations.
Children are remarkably confident and extremely settled. They show that they feel very happy and safe. Many children speak with certainty about what they like to do in the nursery.
For example, some children state that they enjoy playing with favourite toys. Other children say they like spending time with their best friends. The atmosphere in the nursery is very calm and tranquil.
Children are incredibly respectful to each other and staff. Their behaviour is impeccable. Children are immensely kind and considerate.
They play very well with each other, share toys and use exceptional manners. Staff are excellent role models. They are extremely nurturing and show genuine care and affection for children.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The provider gives excellent support to leaders and staff. For instance, she continually encourages them to gain further qualifications. Leaders and staff receive regular rewards for their outstanding commitment.
These include, for example, well-being baskets and afternoon tea. Leaders and staff disseminate their superb knowledge and skills to others. They receive letters of commendation from the local authority for their commitment to promoting excellence for children.
Leaders successfully communicate their vision to the staff, who are passionate and dedicated. The exceptionally designed curriculum targets what each child needs to learn next. Teaching is first class.
Staff plan thrilling activities that ignite children's curiosity, awe and wonder. For example, pre-school children have many opportunities to engage in science sessions. Older children watch with great interest how a plant absorbs brightly coloured water through its stem to nourish the head of the flower.
They are astounded when the flower changes colour in front of their eyes. This helps older children to learn to predict what might happen and to test out their ideas. Older children develop excellent problem-solving skills.
Babies spend extensive periods of time deeply engaged in sensory play experiences. For example, they explore different textures with great enthusiasm. Babies investigate a wide range of items, including coloured shaving foam, cold cooked spaghetti, and herb-infused play dough.
They squeal with delight and exclaim 'more, more'. Babies clap their hands together in sheer pleasure. They are very eager to join in and show immense excitement.
Children are highly successful learners who show copious enthusiasm. For example, two-year-old children are highly motivated and keen to join in. They have a very positive attitude to learning.
These younger children show immense confidence to stand up and speak in front of other children. They take the lead role in daily group activities. Younger children enjoy handing out props to share with their peers.
They skilfully recall and retell their favourite stories. Younger children show excellent storytelling skills for their age.Staff ensure that children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are fully integrated into the nursery.
For example, children with physical disabilities spend much of their time outdoors. They learn to take age-appropriate risks. Children constantly challenge themselves.
They ingeniously build structures using crates, wooden reels and planks to balance on. Staff work very well with parents and other professionals so that children get comprehensive support. All children, including those with SEND, make first-rate progress from the outset.
Children learn about communities outside of their own experiences. They develop an exceptional understanding of compassion for others. For example, children visit residents in a care home and thoroughly enjoy interacting with older people.
Staff provide other exciting experiences in the community that children do not usually encounter. For instance, children have recently enjoyed a bus ride. They revel in the new experience and talk with sheer enthusiasm with others.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Leaders and staff have an exceptional understanding of safeguarding procedures. They know to act swiftly should they have concerns about a child's welfare.
Staff scrupulously assess the environment and areas of practice to check for risks. They constantly look at ways to minimise hazards to help keep children safe. Leaders and staff update parents on how to keep children safe at home.
For example, they share advice on the safe use of digital technology, safer sleeping and potential choking hazards. The nursery is strongly committed to protecting its children, workforce and community. For example, a public access defibrillator is provided to help save lives.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.