Little Saints After School Club

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About Little Saints After School Club

Name Little Saints After School Club
Address St. Theresas Primary School, East End Road, London, N3 2TD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Barnet
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the setting with confidence and enthusiasm. They are greeted by welcoming and friendly staff, which helps them feel safe and secure. Children build positive relationships with staff and each other.

Staff gently encourage them to follow rules and routines when they arrive. Children chat excitedly with one another as they queue during the snack routine. Staff support children's health and well-being.

For example, children choose from a range of healthy snacks, such as fruit, cheese and bread. Additionally, staff give children the chance to try foods from different cultures, helping them learn about diversi...ty. Staff talk with children and introduce new words and children become confident communicators.

Children enjoy sharing their ideas for play and talk happily about what they like doing at the after-school club. Staff help children understand and respect different faiths and beliefs. For instance, the setting has a wide range of resources, including role play and books, to help children learn about the world around them, so that all children can see themselves positively represented.

During circle time, children are encouraged to share news that is important to them. They also listen carefully to the views and opinions of their peers, which helps them feel valued and included.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff offer inclusive care.

They liaise with parents and teachers to provide the care and support for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They also gather all relevant information from parents prior to their children starting. This ensures that children's well-being is a priority.

Leaders deploy staff effectively to make sure that all children receive the support they need. Staff escort children to the washrooms, and one member of staff constantly walks around the outside area to make sure that children are happy and engaged in their play. Other staff actively engage in children's play.

Staff receive good support through supervision and appraisal meetings. They access a variety of training programmes and share best practice with each other. Staff report that working at the club is 'amazing' and that staff morale is high.

Leaders value staff and give their well-being high priority.The staff team know the children well as individuals. The key person for the younger children ensures they are settled and that the resources and activities offered match their interests.

Children play with kinetic sand, which they greatly enjoy as a creative activity. Some children enjoy reading books and discussing the stories with staff, helping them develop their literacy skills. Children communicate that they feel happy and enjoy their time at the club.

Staff work closely with the host school and pre-school. Daily, they share information to promote the happiness, safety and well-being of children. Staff meet to review the progress of children and share their next steps in learning, that can be supported in the club.

Leaders and staff are highly motivated to provide a good experience for children and a high-quality service for parents. Parents value the staff and the service provided to them. They are particularly pleased with the consistent and familiar staff, whom children know and trust.

Staff respect that children have had a busy day at school. They carefully plan play opportunities, such as outdoor play, where children can use the school play equipment and footballs, skipping ropes and balance boards. This enables children to develop their physical skills and have fun.

There is a respectful and positive culture. Children listen and respond positively to adults and each other. Older and younger children mix extremely well during play and in all parts of the routine.

They show care and concern for each other and delight when they meet at the start of the session, asking each other, 'How are you?' This supports the development of confidence and the well-being of the children.Staff support all children in looking after their own needs. They encourage children to wash their hands before mealtimes and to put away their belongings when they arrive.

Children also join in tidying up after snack time, which helps develop their independence skills.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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