Little Shipmates Pre-School

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About Little Shipmates Pre-School

Name Little Shipmates Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Waterside Primary School, Southampton, SO45 6ET
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children are welcomed into the setting by staff who are friendly and nurturing. They enjoy spending time with their friends and choosing activities that are engaging and exciting. For example, children mix their own paints and use the easels outside to make colourful pictures.

Children choose to play inside or outdoors, and staff carefully plan experiences to move children's learning on. For example, children use litter pickers to pick up leaves in the garden. This helps them develop the small muscles in their hands and wrists, which in turn supports them to use tongs to pick up their fruit at snack time.

Children unde...rstand the behaviour expectations of the setting and staff gently support them using phrases such as 'kind hands'. Staff use sign language and pictures to support communication when needed. For example, some staff wear lanyards with key pictures of everyday items.

This helps support children's language and helps them to express their wishes. Children are encouraged to problem-solve. For example, babies are supported by staff to find their own cups with their photo on.

This promotes children's independence and encourages them to access resources by themselves.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are physically active across the setting and have access to outside areas that are safe and engaging. For example, babies roll balls with staff and explore a slide with their support.

This helps them to develop a range of skills to progress their physical development.Staff mostly support children's language and communication development effectively during activities, discussions and by asking questions. However, this is not always consistent across the whole staff team.

For example, there are times when children are not given enough time to respond or staff do not support them to extend language or learn new vocabulary.Staff work closely with parents when their child moves on to their next stage of learning. For example, transition packs including stories and puppets are shared with families to help children understand what is coming next.

Staff are skilled at promoting an environment where children are curious to learn and enjoy trying new experiences. This helps children to develop a positive attitude to learning and builds their self-esteem. For example, children are praised with 'wow moments' for achieving something new, such as taking their first steps or using cutlery to eat their lunch.

Children are supported by staff to recognise how they are feeling and manage their emotions. Staff speak in a kind and gentle manner to children and provide calm spaces such as a sensory room to support children if they are feeling overwhelmed or need some additional support. This helps children to feel safe and secure and build a positive relationship with their key person.

Children in the pre-school regularly visit the local care home to spend time visiting the residents to play games and chat about their day. Staff use this experience to help provide children with a sense of belonging in the local community and teach the importance of being kind.Staff are fully supported by leaders to keep up to date with training that will improve their practice and is appropriate to their role.

Effective systems are in place to allow staff to work with other organisations, such as other settings, to share ideas and good practice.Leaders have a clear vision of the setting and work closely with staff and parents to provide a service that is high quality and inclusive for all children. Staff feel listened to and a valued member of the team.

This encourages a positive working environment where everyone has shared values and is keen to develop a service that has children at the heart of everything they do.Funding is used effectively to ensure children who need extra support are provided with resources and experiences that will promote their development and move their learning on. Leaders work closely with parents and staff when making these decisions, and this promotes a positive culture of partnership working.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: build on staff's understanding of the importance of providing opportunities to extend children's communication and language.

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