Little Tinkers Preschool

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About Little Tinkers Preschool

Name Little Tinkers Preschool
Ofsted Inspections
Address Charles Warren Academy, Simpson, Milton Keynes, MK6 3AZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority MiltonKeynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is outstanding • The pre-school team evaluate exceptionally well. All staff regularly audit provision in each area of learning. Staff are highly reflective and managers embrace their feedback.

These systems are fully embedded and help the team to share a vision for continuous improvement. • Managers complete regular and robust tracking of children's progress. For example, they monitor each child's development half termly.

They discuss outcomes with each child's key person. Staff moderate their observations and assessments of children's progress together. This helps them to ensure that judgements are secure.

• Managers and staff work together highl...y effectively to close the gaps in children's learning. For instance, they identify when precise action is needed to support children further. They implement interventions quickly.

This has a significant impact and helps children to make rapid and sustained progress from their starting points, including children in receipt of additional funding. • Staff are motivational teachers. This is demonstrated when they dress in character, such as the 'Dingle dangle scarecrow', to help to engage children in their learning.

Staff complete planning meticulously. They provide an abundant array of learning opportunities to help children meet their next steps. Children enjoy discovering where milk comes from and squeal with excitement as they milk a pretend cow.

• Managers have a highly impressive attitude towards staff development. For example, they support staff through robust observations, supervisions and appraisals. They plan training that is precisely linked to the needs of the children in their care.

Managers ensure that staff's knowledge and skills are fully embedded as part of their high-quality teaching. • Staff use highly successful strategies to support children's behaviour. This is illustrated by their use of role play and puppets to explore routines and boundaries.

Children are extremely reflective when talking about their own behaviour. They behave exceptionally well, confidently negotiating and reaching agreements with others. This helps to support their emotional well-being.

Also at this postcode
SS Ltd @ Charles Warren Charles Warren Academy

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