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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children clearly enjoy attending this vibrant and friendly club. They excitedly arrive after their busy school day and are keen to chat to staff and their friends.
Staff warmly greet children and check on their well-being. Children are encouraged to talk about how they are feeling through the club's special 'link bear' and daily discussions. This helps children to feel settled, safe and secure.
Children have a real sense of ownership at the club. They contribute to the planning of activities and are able to choose where they wish to play and what resources they would like to use. This contributes successfully to children's... self-esteem and sense of belonging.
Children behave exceptionally well. They have created their own 'golden rules' that include being kind to one another, showing good sportsmanship and being respectful. Children play harmoniously together and older children demonstrate kindness, concern and patience with their younger friends.
Children are aware of routines and what is expected of them. They are assigned special tasks to assist staff and relish this responsibility. Staff continuously praise children and encourage children to choose a 'special prize' in recognition for their efforts, kindness and achievements.
Children coped well during the COVID-19 pandemic, playing in their allocated bubbles. Now children, especially those younger, are developing their confidence in social situations and larger groups. Staff gently encourage children and promote independence at every opportunity.
For example, children skilfully manage their self-care skills, sanitise their hands before and after eating and tidy away their plates and cups when they have finished.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff know the children extremely well and have developed warm and trusting relationships with them. They liaise with school staff and gather pertinent information from parents when children first begin attending the club.
This helps children to settle well and ensures that activities match their interests and what they like to do. In turn, this has a very positive impact on children's behaviour, their enjoyment levels and their motivation. Children are happy, animated and enthusiastic to participate in all aspects of the club.
Children enjoy being creative. They carefully create Valentine's Day cards and practise their writing skills as they write special messages. Children are able to express their thoughts and ideas through the sensitive direction and skilful questioning of staff.
Children have many opportunities to develop their imaginative skills as they create structures with small bricks. Children proudly share their creations with the inspector and talk confidently about what they have made and how they have achieved it. They concentrate well as they fit pieces together, solve problems and overcome challenges when building their structures.
This demonstrates their resilience and determination.Staff encourage children to learn the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle. Children are able to play outside in the fresh air daily, where they enjoy competitive games such as football.
During activities such as baking staff talk to children about sugar and the impact it can have on their teeth. Children enjoy healthy and nutritious meals and snacks and their dietary requirements and preferences are effortlessly catered for.Staff have developed effective partnerships with the host school.
They attend staff training days and engage in regular dialogues with teaching staff to enable them to successfully support the children that attend. Furthermore, staff complement learning that is taking place in school. Some staff working within the club are also employed by the host school.
This supports continuity of care and aids children's transitions into the club.Staff feel well supported and valued and there is a real team ethos apparent among staff. Staff enjoy participating in supervision meetings, where they receive detailed feedback regarding their practice and professional development.
Furthermore, leaders observe staff and the quality of their interactions with children. This helps to ensure that children receive a high-quality provision and that their needs are met effectively.Partnerships with parents are strong.
Parents are very complimentary about the club and comment on the friendliness of the staff team. They describe how their children enjoy attending and that the two-way flow of communication between the school and the club is extremely beneficial.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.
Staff understand their responsibility to safeguard children. They attend regular training to ensure their knowledge remains up to date and discuss safeguarding issues during staff meetings. Staff understand the action to take if they have concerns about the welfare of a child and are aware of other agencies that play a key role in protecting children from harm.
Staff confidently describe what they would do if they had concerns about a colleague's practice and how to escalate their concerns if needed. Staff are very vigilant. They deploy themselves effectively and ensure that children are always appropriately supervised.