Lord Scudamore Kids Club

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About Lord Scudamore Kids Club

Name Lord Scudamore Kids Club
Address Lord Scudmore Academy, Friar Street, Hereford, HR4 0AS
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Herefordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements This well-organised club operates within the host school. The kind and caring staff also hold positions within the school, so regularly meet with children during the day. This helps staff to develop secure relationships with children and get to know them in different surroundings.

Young children are brought to the club by their class teachers. They speak to staff to share information about children's time at school. Children arrive happy and eager to begin their play.

Staff greet them with a smile and offer reassuring cuddles to children who are new to the club. Children take responsibility for their belongings and put awa...y their coats and bags. They follow good hygiene practice.

Staff gently remind children to wash their hands before they help themselves to the healthy snacks which staff provide.Staff provide children with a good range of play activities. Children move freely around the spacious indoor and outdoor areas to engage in their chosen play.

They have fun as they fill and empty different-sized containers with water and sand. Children use their imagination as they pretend to cook in the outdoor kitchen. They behave well.

Children know what is expected from them because staff work closely with the host school to offer a consistent approach to behaviour management. Children use good manners and play cooperatively with their friends. They politely say 'excuse me' as they walk past their friends.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership and management team of this welcoming club is strong. The dedicated manager works closely with leaders of the organisation and her staff team to deliver a high-quality and inclusive service at all times. Together, they ensure that children are provided with a safe and secure environment and a wide range of good-quality toys and resources to support their play.

The manager is reflective. She knows what they do well and identifies areas for further development. For example, the manager would like to add more information for parents to the club's website.

Staff supervise children well. They effectively deploy themselves around the environment to ensure that children are always visible to them. Staff regularly count children in and out of areas to ensure that no child is left behind.

Children have lots of opportunities to be physically active and play outside in the fresh air. They run around as they play ball games. Children listen attentively and follow staff's instructions.

For example, they excitedly take turns to chase each other during group games such as 'Duck, Duck, Goose'.Staff speak to children to seek their views on the types of resources and activities they would like to access at the club. They use this information, along with what they already know about children's interests, to plan exciting play activities.

Staff offer a consistent and complementary approach to children's care and development. They support children to extend on their learning from school. Children excitedly explore a tray of kinetic sand and pretend bugs.

Staff sit alongside children to support their play. They engage them in meaningful conversations. For example, they talk about the texture of the sand and count the legs on the pretend bugs.

The manager knows her staff well because she works alongside them on a daily basis. She regularly meets with them to discuss good practice and identify any training needs. Staff are keen to continue with their professional development.

They attend training which is tailored around their individual interests and development needs. Staff morale is high. They feel very well supported in their roles.

Staff speak well of leaders and comment on the high levels of support they receive for their well-being.Partnerships with parents are established. Staff share information with them about children's time at the club in a range of ways.

For example, they talk to them at drop-off and collection times and pass on messages to and from school. In addition, staff use the online platform to keep parents updated about the range of activities their children engage in. Parents are very happy with the service the club provides.

They value the play experiences their children take part in and comment on the kind and caring staff.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Lord Scudamore Primary Academy

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