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About Lorton After School Club
Lorton After School Club
Lorton After School Club, The Pavillion, Lorton School, High Lorton, Cockermouth, Cumberland
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are happy, safe and secure at the after-school club.
They are collected safely from the host school by staff who ensure that all children follow appropriate COVID-19 hygiene practices. Children's independence is supported well. On arrival, they put away their bags and coats and settle quickly at the snack tables.
Children choose what they would like to eat from the healthy options available to them. They help themselves to jam or honey and use a knife competently to add it to their toast.Staff are kind, friendly and caring.
They build effective relationships with children. The behaviour modelled by staff ...influences children's behaviour. For example, children show kindness and care towards others.
They contribute their ideas during craft activities and thank their friends after asking for resources to be passed to them.Children enjoy fun and exciting activities. They take part in movie nights, baking and science activities, play games and make Christmas decorations.
Children have quieter areas to sit and relax to read books or chat to their friends. Children develop their imagination and physical skills while making magnificent structures using construction materials, such as connecting straws.Parents speak highly of the staff managing the after-school club.
They value the flexible hours and wonderful activities the children enjoy. Parents report children are reluctant to leave as they are having so much fun. They say their children are safe in the setting and look forward to going there.
Staff supervise children exceptionally well. Children talk positively about the activities and how they like attending the after-school club with their friends.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children's emotional well-being is fostered well.
Staff recognise that, on occasion, some children may need extra emotional support and enable children to have time to talk with them. Partnerships with the host school are strong. Staff communicate with teachers when they collect children.
They know the children well as they work in the school with them during the school day. This helps to provide children with consistency in their care.Staff successfully help children to lead a healthy lifestyle.
They help children to understand the importance of following good hygiene routines and making healthy food choices. Staff ensure that children's safety is given good priority. The premises are safe and secure.
Daily checks of the environment enable staff to quickly identify and eliminate any risks. Staff are well deployed and supervise children's activities successfully. Outdoor activities are provided after school in the school play areas.
Staff engage in meaningful conversations with children, where they listen to their views and opinions. Children are confident communicators. They sit with their friends and enjoy one another's company as they take part in activities.
This helps children to build on their personal, social and emotional skills.Staff obtain information from parents and teaching staff before children start attending the after-school club. This enables them to provide activities based on children's interests and meet the children's individual needs effectively.
Staff share information with parents about their children's activities, through daily discussions and newsletters.Leaders ensure opportunities are available that focus on staffs' professional development. For example, staff attend in-house training with teaching staff in the host school.
Staffs' performance is also monitored through regular supervision meetings. This helps leaders to identify further training opportunities for staff, to ensure continuity in the standards of care. Staff feel they are supported in their role.
Leaders show a commitment to the continued improvement of the setting. They regularly reflect on their practice and the service that is being provided. For example, they acknowledge that the topics children are engaged in during the school day could be implemented in the after-school club activities.
Parents and children give feedback, and staff encourage children to be involved in making decisions. For example, children decide on the activities they would like to take part in at the after-school club. Quality checks are carried out to ensure the after-school club consistently offers high-quality care.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff are fully committed to ensure children are safe. Staff understand how to identify and report safeguarding concerns, following local guidelines.
They have completed safeguarding training and understand their safeguarding responsibilities. Children play in a safe and secure space. Risk assessment procedures are robust.
Staff check the environment before children attend and take steps to minimise risks when necessary. Robust recruitment and induction procedures are in place to help ensure staff suitability. All persons associated with the after-school club have completed the relevant suitability checks.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.