Loxley After School Club

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About Loxley After School Club

Name Loxley After School Club
Address Loxley Primary School, Rodney Hill, Loxley, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, S6 6SG
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Sheffield
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff create a safe and comfortable environment, where children can make choices, build friendships and feel safe and secure. They take account of children's interests when planning activities for them.

They know children well and are, therefore, able to provide activities that keep children stimulated and engaged. Staff provide a range of opportunities and activities. Children enjoy energetic outdoor play as they throw balls into hoops and navigate the climbing frame.

Some children enjoy relaxing on comfy cushions that helps them to wind down at the end of their school day. Children concentrate for long periods of time as... they make intricate models and talk about their interest in engineering. They take pride in their achievements as they ask for their model to be displayed.

Staff support children to understand what is expected of them and their behaviour. They remind children about the routines and rules of the setting and children follow these with ease. Children enjoy the responsibility of leading the group to the club from school.

Children feel involved and part of the club. Staff further support good behaviour by praising children. They support them to understand and regulate their own emotions and feelings.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager ensures that positive relationships are fostered with the adjoining school. This supports her to fully understand children's needs. She regularly communicates with school and ensures that important information is shared with parents.

Staff ensure that younger children are well cared for. They encourage older children to be kind to children who have only recently started attending. When younger children are a little unsettled, staff respond to them sensitively and support them to take part in activities.

This further contributes to children's sense of security.Staff provide children with opportunities to develop their confidence and self-esteem. For example, they offer children choices about what they want to eat and the activities that they would like to do.

Children feel involved in decision-making and how they spend their time at the club Staff develop children's confidence and encourage their budding relationships. Children take part in 'show and tell' if they wish to do so. They share stories about exciting events that have happened to them or about their achievements in school.

Children listen intently to each other and praise each other for their achievements.Staff support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).They work in partnership with the school special educational needs coordinator to ensure that any adaptations that children need are implemented effectively.

This ensures that children with SEND feel included and can access activities alongside their peers.Parents say that staff build lovely relationships with their children. They say their children feel safe and secure at the setting.

This supports children's emotional and social development. Parents appreciate the flexibility that the club offers and the care it provides.Staff communicate with parents daily.

They share information with parents about the activities the children do and what they have to eat. This helps to reassure parents that their children are well cared for. There are strong relationships between staff and parents.

Staff receive training that supports them in their role. They receive a detailed induction that helps them to understand what is expected of them in their roles. This includes ensuring that staff understand risk assessments and the policies and procedures.

The manager has ensured that steps have been taken since the last inspection to address the weaknesses in safeguarding. This includes extra training for staff and ensuring that children's attendance records are always accurately completed.The manager evaluates the setting and takes account of children's views.

However, more could be done to ensure that parent views are also considered more often. This will help parents to feel even more involved in decisions about the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff have a good knowledge of the signs of abuse or harm. They understand the procedures for reporting concerns about children's welfare. This ensures that any concerns are acted upon immediately to protect children from harm.

Managers ensure that staff have knowledge of local safeguarding partnership procedures. There are robust recording procedures and policies in relation to safeguarding and polices are regularly reviewed. There are procedures in place that ensure that in the event of an allegation against a member of staff, appropriate action is taken.

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