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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Children are happy and settled. They are made to feel very welcome by the nurturing staff.
Children new to the setting are given the extra attention they need to join in and enjoy all that is on offer. Children receive clear and encouraging guidance as they learn to manage their emotions and learn about acceptable behaviour. Most children behave extremely well.
They show considerate behaviour towards each other and cooperate well with requests. Staff calmly and kindly support those children who need a little extra help to understand what is expected of them. As a result of this good practice, the atmosphere is happy, c...alm and purposeful.
Children take part in a range of well-planned and inviting activities that meet their developmental needs well. There is a clear purpose to the activities planned, and staff use them very well to model language. Children are introduced to a wide range of words that relate to what they are doing or can see.
This effectively extends their vocabulary. Children also take part in lots of activities that support all aspects of their physical development. They have daily opportunities to use climbing equipment and wheeled toys.
They develop their fine-motor skills as they explore water, sand and threading. This helps children develop the muscle control they will need for later writing.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The manager has clearly identified the skills and knowledge that are most important to children at this stage of their learning journey.
Learning experiences are then planned with this in mind alongside a consideration of children's interests. The good-quality teaching from all staff means that by the time children leave for school they are prepared well for the move.Staff deliver a programme of learning that helps children develop the listening and attention skills they need to be ready for other learning.
Staff deliver this programme very skilfully. Children respond by developing good levels of attention and focus. They also show they very much enjoy these group times.
Staff work closely with parents and other professionals to provide the extra support some children may need to reach their full potential. They adapt the environment and activities to ensure all children can make the most out of their time at pre-school. This results in children feeling fully included and very welcome.
Children use resources with care and purpose. This is because staff are very attentive and join in their play to help them do so. For example, staff join children in a pretend game of 'going to the hairdressers'.
They recognise that for some children this may be a new experience and so they show them how to use the resources and model the language they need to play imaginatively.Staff formally monitor children's progress. However, they do not always make the best use of opportunities to assess learning as children play.
For example, although they model lots of really useful and interesting language, they do not use their conversations with children to skilfully evaluate the words and phrases children are remembering and understanding.Children are keen to take part in what is on offer. This is because the staff are good role models, showing the children the fun to be had.
It is also because the resources and activities are matched well to their interests and needs. This helps children develop well into curious and inquisitive learners.Staff incorporate some aspects of technology into their teaching.
For example, they show children how to use programmable toys. They have not yet considered way to extend this so that children learn, in age-appropriate ways, how to stay safe when using digital technology.Staff understand the importance to children's physical development and good health of energetic play and exercise.
To enable this, staff put aside time each day when the focus outside is on this.Partnerships between parents and staff are warm and professional. Staff provide parents with lots of ideas and resources to further build on children's learning at home.
For example, they send links to useful resources to build on children's knowledge of their own and other's cultures.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff understand their responsibility to keep children safe.
The manager ensures all staff undergo regular safeguarding training to keep their knowledge up to date. Staff understand the signs that could indicate that children are at risk of harm. They understand the risks to children of being exposed to extreme views or domestic violence.
Staff know how to report any concerns, including how to escalate beyond the manager if they are not happy with any action she plans to take. The manager follows robust recruitment procedures and carries out thorough checks to ensure the suitability of those she employs to work with children.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: focus support for staff on developing their skills in identifying and assessing learning during children's self-chosen play and exploration plan and deliver a programme of learning about the safe use of technology, to build further on children's understanding of how to keep themselves safe.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.