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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children are very excited to meet their friends when they arrive at this warm, welcoming club.
Staff greet the children by name and ask them about their day at school. This helps to support children's self-esteem. Children put their coats and bags where they belong before sitting for group time, as they know the routine well.
Children enthusiastically move about the club, freely choosing areas they wish to play in. They enjoy a range of activities that make them think and work through processes to achieve the end result. For example, they make their own paper chains.
Staff have high expectations for all children a...nd support them so they can accomplish what they set out to do. For example, staff help children climb and walk on the high bars, showing them how to hold their hands out to balance. This helps children develop their confidence and gives them a sense of achievement.
Children behave extremely well and are polite, kind and considerate. They have formed good friendships and play well together. For example, they take part in a football game with mixed ages.
They follow the rules and help one another, taking turns and praising each other. This shows that they have high levels of well-being.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children are extremely happy and show that they feel safe during their time at the club.
They share their ideas about what they like at the club and what they would like to play with in the future. For example, they discuss how they enjoy colouring and like having the climbing bars out. Staff ensure that they set the environment up taking account of children's views.
This supports children's self-esteem and helps them feel secure.Children needing additional support are able to join in with activities and are well supported. Staff have strong partnerships with the school and discuss the children's days at handover times.
They are also in regular contact with parents to share information. This promotes continuity of care and ensures that children's needs are fully met.Children enjoy healthy, home-cooked food for tea.
For instance, they enjoy eating curry and rice with lots of vegetables. Staff promote and support children's understanding of good health. They play outdoors daily, unless the weather prevents it, and have lots of physical play indoors.
Staff and children follow good hygiene practices, such as washing their hands before they eat and after using the toilet.Staff feel well supported by the management team and feel they have good training opportunities to develop their practice. They are confident to approach the management team if they wish to discuss any matters.
They report that they enjoy working at the club and feel valued. Robust recruitment and induction processes help to ensure that all staff are suitable to work with children.Staff are very positive role models for children.
For example, they listen and respond to children and are courteous with their interactions. Children find them approachable and seek them out to play and share conversations. Staff know children very well and have fun with them, stacking cups and laughing when they fall down, and building creations with bricks.
Children behave exceptionally well.Partnerships with parents are strong. Staff have daily discussions with parents about what the children have enjoyed doing during their time at the club.
They also share information in various other ways, such as by email. Parents report that they are very happy with the care their children receive at the club. They appreciate the information staff share with them and feel their views are valued.
Children play in a secure environment. Staff complete regular risk assessments on all the areas children use and put measures in place when they find hazards, to keep children safe. For example, going in pairs if they leave the main hall.
Children have a good understanding of risks. For example, when a child finds a broken toy, they report it to a member of staff immediately. This shows children have an understanding of how to keep themselves safe.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have a sound knowledge of how to safeguard children. They are able to clearly explain the signs that could suggest a child is at risk of harm.
Staff understand the procedures to follow if they have any concerns about a child's welfare, and the role of the designated safeguarding lead. They can discuss wider safeguarding concerns such as radicalisation and female genital mutilation. They know about the whistle-blowing policy, who to contact and the steps they need to follow should they have any concerns about the club or any member of staff who works there.