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About MFSE
Riverside Primary School, St. Edmunds Way, Rainham, Gillingham, ME8 8ET
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive happily and settle quickly at this warm, welcoming club. They know the routine well, placing their belongings in the designated area before sitting in a group for registration.
Staff greet children by name and discuss what is available to play with and what they can do, before children enthusiastically go and play.Children excitedly take part in the activities on offer. They move freely around, choosing where they wish to play.
They have high self-esteem and confidence. For example, they work together to stack cups to make the 'biggest wall', calling staff to look at it. They laugh when it falls down and bu...ild it up again.
Children's behaviour is good. They have formed good friendships and play well together, sharing and taking turns. Older children often help the younger children, such as passing tools when playing with the dough and handing them paper towels when they wash their hands.
They frequently use good manners, such as saying please and thank you.Children enjoy playing outside in the fresh air and take part in lots of active play. They skilfully manoeuvre themselves on the wooden bars, jumping off and landing safely.
They run and chase each other and play ball games.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff place a strong focus on interacting with all children at the club and supporting their welfare. They are kind and courteous.
Staff play board games with children, such as snakes and ladders, and they laugh and joke together when one of them has to go down the ladder. These positive interactions foster children's well-being.Staff are good role models for children.
They are polite and respectful to each other as well as the children. Children approach staff for support to meet their needs. For example, they are confident to say when they are hungry and ask for snack, demonstrating they feel valued.
Staff have excellent relationships with children.Staff recognise the importance of working in partnership with teachers in the school. School staff bring children to the club.
During this handover, they share information about children and their day at school. This helps to ensure continuity of care.The manager understands the importance of building strong relationship with parents.
He regularly invites their feedback through written questionnaires and acts on any recommendations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he kept in contact through an online platform, setting sporting challenges for children to engage in. This helped children to maintain the strong relationships that had previously been fostered.
Staff work hard to create a welcoming environment for all children and each child's individual needs are met effectively. They have good knowledge of each of the children's needs and interests. Staff use this information to provide appropriate activities and care.
Staff support children to manage behaviour in a positive way. They reinforce the rules and boundaries of the club during registration. Staff ask children to share the rule by repeating them in a fun way, which helps children to gain a good understanding of the expectations of behaviour.
Good behaviour is acknowledged and celebrated, promoting children's self-esteem.Children enjoy healthy food options for their tea. Staff promote nutritious food and support children to eat a variety of fruit and vegetables with their wraps, such as tomatoes and cucumbers.
They ensure children have drinks regularly. On the whole, staff and children follow good hygiene practices, such as handwashing.The manager and staff meet to evaluate the club on a regular basis.
They listen to children's views, and what they would like at the provision and act on their feedback. For example, when children said they would like to make candles, staff provided the resources. This supports children to feel valued.
The manager places a high emphasis on staff professional development and managing their workload. They have weekly time in the office, away from working with children, to complete tasks. Staff receive consistent training to ensure they maintain the high standard expected when working with the children.
Staff report they feel supported and valued.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff have good knowledge and understanding of the safeguarding policy.
They can clearly explain signs and symptoms that could indicate a child is at risk. They know the correct procedure to follow in the event of any concerns they may have. Staff understand the whistle-blowing procedures to follow should they have any concerns about any colleagues or practice at the club.
The manager has robust recruitment procedures in place to ensure all new staff are thoroughly vetted. The manager has completed risk assessments, identifying any hazards that may put a child at risk. Children are well supervised.