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About Mac’s Club
Mac’s Club
The Mease Spencer Academy, Carsington Road, Hilton, Derby, DE65 5LX
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy the time they spend at this welcoming and friendly club. They are relaxed and settled, enabling them to form positive friendships. For example, staff support children to build with construction materials together and negotiate what they build.
Children behave very well and understand why rules at the club are in place as staff explain why certain behaviours are desirable, such as using 'walking feet' when inside. Staff encourage children to be independent and take responsibility for themselves. Children demonstrate consideration and care for others.
For example, they are polite, helpful and respec...tful towards one another as they play games together.Children have plenty of opportunities for fresh air and exercise. They can choose if they would like to play ball games, such as football, on the school playground or climb and balance on apparatus.
Staff ensure the youngest children are fully supported. For instance, they make sure there is always a comfy spot for them to relax with books if they are tired before or after the school day. Staff know the children very well and plan activities to support the learning that children are experiencing during their school day.
They listen to children's thoughts and ideas, and they use children's interests when planning play opportunities.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The staff team has a shared commitment to provide a quality service for the children and their families. The staff are open to suggestions from children and parents on ways to improve the club.
Staff work as a cohesive team and have a very good understanding of their responsibilities to keep children safe and secure.Staff encourage children's emotional well-being and support them to try new experiences. They recognise children's achievements and praise them.
For example, they praise children's efforts when trying to write their name on their creative work. Children enjoy playing in mixed-age groups and benefit from supportive relationships. Younger children blossom under the help and encouragement shown by older children, who gain a sense of responsibility as they learn how to help their younger friends.
Staff carefully plan the environment to meet the needs of all children. For example, staff set up areas for different types of play. They create areas for children to explore different ideas and solve problems as they build with construction kits.
Children benefit from quiet areas where they can relax, colour pictures and complete word puzzles.Staff model good behaviour for children using manners and respond promptly and positively to requests from children for help or support. Children's behaviour reflects the care and respect they receive from staff.
Children listen carefully to staff when asked to follow instructions or help tidy the setting. Children and staff show real pride in the setting.Children have opportunities to talk to each other and staff to share news about their interests.
Staff are actively involved in the conversations and support children to develop their ideas and listen to each other. They model new vocabulary to children to support development of their communication and language skills.Communication with parents is excellent.
Parents are extremely complimentary about the club and the approachable and friendly staff. Staff gather good information from parents about their children. For example, they find out about children's likes and dislikes, family members and any medical needs to ensure children are fully supported.
Staff support children's understanding of how to develop a healthy life style effectively. They speak about the importance of fresh air and physical activity. Staff use mealtimes to promote independence.
For example, children confidently choose what they would like to eat and take their plates and bowls to the sink for washing when they have finished eating.Staff are well-qualified and attend regular supervisions and staff meetings. They use these opportunities to share ideas for improvements and to identify training that directly benefits the children.
Staff have benefited from training to extend children's experiences and develop children's understanding of different cultures and beliefs.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.