Manor Wood Children’s Centre

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About Manor Wood Children’s Centre

Name Manor Wood Children’s Centre
Ofsted Inspections
Address Carr Manor Primary School, Carr Manor Road, LEEDS, LS17 5DJ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Leeds
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

The provision is outstanding • Leaders are highly motivated in their drive to improve attainment and raise outcomes for children even further.

They work extremely successfully with other professionals to support the family as a whole, giving parents confidence and raising their aspirations. Parents and grandparents say that staff have 'amazing energy levels' and encourage them to be fully involved in nursery life. • Leaders' monitoring of practice is meticulous.

They constantly evaluate the learning environment and teaching practice to give children the best opportunities to achieve. Leaders' superb partnerships with parents and other professionals support highly success...ful monitoring of individual children's progress. They immediately identify and addresses any gaps in their learning exceedingly effectively.

• Experienced staff are highly skilled at making learning exciting and motivating children's desire to learn and discover exceptionally well. Their first-rate knowledge of how children learn means they provide a rich, varied and imaginative curriculum. They are highly skilled in using spontaneous opportunities to capture children's interest and promote their curiosity.

• Staff's energetic enthusiasm inspires children's imaginative play. Children are eager to demonstrate how they crush herbs using a pestle and mortar to make 'Gruffalo beer'. They use words such as 'squishing' and 'fizzy' to describe what they are doing.

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