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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The vast and well-thought-out curriculum is deeply embedded across the nursery and by all staff.
Alongside exemplary planning and teaching of the early years curriculum areas, children have additional opportunities to engage in weekly cooking, ballet, creative thinking, language and music sessions to further enhance their skills within a wide variety of areas. The nursery talks passionately about the importance of 'lifelong learning' and 'continuous improvement' and involves children, staff and parents in its ongoing processes of reflection and self-evaluation of what it offers.Children are extremely happy and behave wel...l.
They feel greatly valued by staff, as they always find the time to listen to individual children's thoughts and ideas and praise children for their achievements. Children are supported in managing their feelings and behaviour through the effective 'emotions stations'. These provide them with a safe and age-appropriate space to engage in activities to support them to regulate their thoughts, feelings and behaviours as needed throughout the day.
The nursery shows passion for developing children's confidence and communication and language skills. Staff record themselves reading a range of stories and poems. Children have opportunities to listen to these at home and while at nursery.
Children enjoy the opportunities to perform as a group and, with encouragement, as individuals in front of their friends. The nursery-wide thematic, differentiated word pyramids allow staff to introduce children to new vocabulary according to their stages in development. Embedding these skills within these areas supports children exceptionally well as they transition to their next stages, including starting school.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Staff have high expectations for behaviour, and these are made abundantly clear to children in a way that supports their emotional well-being. Children are consistently reminded of the 'Bee Code' for being friendly, kind, helpful and safe. Children follow staff's instructions and are consistently reminded to 'stop, look and listen' to each other.
Teachers are highly effective in their practice, and children fully understand what is expected of them at nursery.Staff place considerable emphasis on skilfully planning activities to support children's physical development. Children move to music, engage in twice-weekly multi-skills sessions and enjoy the opportunities to negotiate space in the park as they re-enact the movements for different types of dinosaurs.
They engage in fundraising events providing them with opportunities to negotiate space, and practise the skills needed to navigate scooters and bikes in their local area.The nursery teaches children the importance of celebrating diversity. Children sing songs, count and read stories in a variety of different languages during their welcome times.
They engage in local charity events with their local church, dress up, engage in role play, and learn the importance of respecting the cultures of their friends and the wider world.A love of reading and development of early reading skills are highly promoted throughout the nursery. Children enjoy books alongside props, and they use books as they role play.
Staff share stories with children in a range of languages and use different texts to support them in understanding their different feelings and emotions. Staff's expert questioning during story times supports children's level of engagement and enjoyment. The spacious reading area and 'snug areas' provide children with the quiet space they need to relax and enjoy books.
Parents are delighted with the nursery. They feel that communication is excellent. They receive weekly emails with upcoming information on what their children will be learning.
They have regular parents' meetings and daily handovers about their children's progress and achievements. They are extremely happy with the prompt approach the nursery takes to any issues they raise and the high expectations the nursery has for children's behaviour and learning. They particularly enjoy the engaging, fun activities the nursery sends home to further develop and strengthen their children's learning.
Leaders communicate and fully involve staff, children and parents in their vision. This highly skilled management team values the importance of training and disseminating new learning to staff through their meetings. Staff have opportunities to shadow each other and have opportunities to gain early years recognised qualifications.
Leaders work with a range of external agencies and alongside schools to ensure continuous provision for the children.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.