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About Mega Camps Dartford
Mega Camps Dartford
The Leigh Academy, Green Street Green Road, Dartford, DA1 1QE
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children enjoy attending this spacious and well-organised holiday camp. They are greeted by friendly staff, who work quickly to get to know children well, especially those who are new to attending.
Staff consider the different age ranges of children well, adapting and arranging play spaces and activities to ensure they meet children's individual needs. Overall, children have opportunities to take part in well-planned activities, such as physical team games, dance and arts and crafts. Staff are flexible and listen to children as they express their own interests.
This helps children to feel valued and develop a sense of belo...nging.Staff have high expectations for children's behaviour, which they communicate and explain well. For example, as children come together for a daily welcome meeting, they proudly list the different rules, such as to be kind and respectful to each other.
Children are positive and engage well in activities. They show good team spirit and cheer each other on during games. Staff are positive role models.
They consistently praise children as they take turns, share and help each other. This helps to raise children's self-esteem.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers have a clear vision to deliver high-quality care and experiences for children.
Staff are reflective and frequently seek children's and parents' views to help them to identify any further improvements. For example, they welcome children's suggestions for new activities at future camps.Children have access to a range of fun and interesting activities.
Children play imaginatively as they enjoy designing models with bricks and play with different musical instruments. Furthermore, children thoroughly enjoy creative activities, where they use a variety of materials to make their own creations. This helps to build children's imaginative skills.
Staff encourage children's independence skills well. They encourage children to do as much as possible for themselves. For example, children look after their belongings and confidently manage their packed lunches, clearing away items when they have finished.
Furthermore, children take responsibility for preparing themselves for physical activities.Children have opportunities throughout the day to lead healthy lifestyles. Staff support children to undertake good hygiene practices, such as washing their hands before eating.
Staff encourage children to drink water at regular intervals to ensure they remain hydrated, particularly when participating in physical activities. This helps to promote children's overall health and well-being.Children benefit from staff who engage in thoughtful conversations with them about their home life and personal experiences.
For example, children enjoy talking about where they live and the countries they have visited. This supports children to feel valued and helps to build their emotional well-being.Staff promote children's health and well-being effectively.
As children move to different rooms in the building, staff supervise them closely and complete regular head counts. Furthermore, staff carry children's emergency medication with them so they can quickly meet their health needs. This helps to promote children's safety.
Leaders undertake secure vetting and recruitment procedures to check the suitability of staff working with children. Staff benefit from an effective induction process to help them to understand their role and responsibilities. Furthermore, they have regular opportunities to update their knowledge and skills.
For example, staff are required to update their safeguarding knowledge to help keep children safe. Staff say that they feel supported in their role and that their suggestions of new ideas are welcomed. This makes staff feel valued in their work.
Overall, parents speak positively about the camp. They say their children are happy and are keen to return each school holiday. Parents comment that they find out about the daily activities on the website.
However, staff do not always give parents clear information about what their child has done throughout the day, to keep them fully informed.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.