Mengham Out of School Club

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About Mengham Out of School Club

Name Mengham Out of School Club
Address Mengham Infant School, St. Marys Road, HAYLING ISLAND, Hampshire, PO11 9DD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hampshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are enthusiastic as they arrive in the setting from school. They are met by welcoming staff, who listen with delight as the children talk about their school day.

Children are happy and settled and follow a routine. They are independent learners and enjoy taking responsibility. For instance, children enjoy helping to prepare and serve tea.

Children form strong friendships and enjoy one another's company as they take part in crafts and sports. This helps them to build on their social and physical skills, and creativity.Children have the freedom to play, both inside and outside.

They have fun playing on the ...adventure trail and are supported to take risks to extend their learning. For example, children show staff how they can go backwards on the monkey bars.Children have good manners and follow the setting's rules.

For instance, children wait their turn and understand that it is only one child at a time on certain pieces of equipment. They encourage and support their friends, showing a strong sense of teamwork as they play together. For example, they enjoy playing football, helping each other to get the ball in the goal.

Children's behaviour towards each other is admirable.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The manager is passionate about providing a high-quality, inclusive environment. She works cohesively with the staff to ensure the smooth running of the setting.

The manager evaluates the setting well, seeking the views of the parents and children. This helps them to identify areas to develop, ensuring the setting meets each child's individual needs. As a result, children really enjoy spending time at the setting.

Staff have clear expectations of children's behaviour. They discuss the setting's values and rules, which have been put in place with the children. Staff provide strategies to help children manage their behaviour.

For example, children have space to be calm and have access to sensory resources.The manager collects information about children before they start. This enables staff to effectively support new children to become familiar with the setting, which allows them to settle quickly.

The key-person system is well established and helps children to build a sense of belonging. Staff know the children well and support their individual needs, comforting them when needed.Children say they love the setting.

They talk confidently about their favourite activities and say that the staff are 'fun'. Children enjoy playing active games with staff outside. Staff motivate children to join in and exercise in the fresh air.

Staff promote healthy lifestyles. They talk with the children about healthy food and why it is important. For example, staff discuss the salad and fruit options with the children at teatime, encouraging them to eat both.

They support children to learn about oral health. Staff share information with parents about tooth brushing and provide a toothbrush and toothpaste for the children.Parents speak extremely positively about the setting.

They appreciate the measures the staff take to ensure their children are settled when they start. For example, inviting children to attend sessions during the holidays to familiarise them with the environment. Parents feel staff are welcoming and supportive.

They comment that their children thoroughly enjoy the different activities the setting offers and are excited to attend.Staff communicate effectively with school staff. They gather information about children's individual needs and interests.

This helps them to support and extend children's learning while they are at the setting.Staff feel very supported by the manager, who provides them with regular one-to-one meetings. The manager has a good understanding of staff's professional development.

Staff complete regular training, such as safeguarding, first aid and food hygiene.The setting is fully inclusive and effective in supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. Staff are aware of children's dietary needs and have effective procedures in place to ensure children's safety and well-being.

For example, making all children aware of food allergies to keep everyone safe.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff attend mandatory training and keep up to date with changes in legislation and policy.

They have a clear understanding of the signs and symptoms of abuse. Staff have a secure knowledge of the procedures to follow to keep children safe. The manager follows safer recruitment procedures to ensure all staff are suitable to work with children.

Effective risk assessments are in place to minimise risks to children within the environment. They ensure the outside environment is secure. Staff are deployed well to ensure good levels of supervision and support for all children.

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