Mia’s Club

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About Mia’s Club

Name Mia’s Club
Address Bennetts End Community Centre, Leys Road, HEMEL HEMPSTEAD, Hertfordshire, HP3 9LZ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Hertfordshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children demonstrate they are extremely settled at the holiday club. They arrive happily and are keen to explore the activities they will be doing.

The well-qualified staff are enthusiastic and greet children with genuine warmth. Children form exceptionally close friendships with one another. They are excited to see the friends they made during previous holidays and rush to greet them affectionately.

Children enjoy a wide range of exciting resources at the holiday club. Staff are skilful at planning and adapting interesting activities which meet the needs of all ages of children. For example, children enjoy making Easter c...ards and collages for their families.

Staff support young children to use paint and sponges to print designs. Older children create more intricate designs and are encouraged to write in the cards.Children have plenty of opportunity for physical play.

They have exclusive use of a large garden area. Here, they explore various play equipment and enjoy picnics with their friends. Children also benefit from structured physical education sessions in the club.

They thoroughly enjoy trying out new and exciting team games and sports. Children cheer their team mates on and delight at the certificates and stickers they win.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff have high expectations of children's behaviour.

They use snack time to discuss the rules in the holiday club. For example, children explain that they must put their shoes on before the sports session. They understand that this is to stop them slipping over and hurting themselves.

Children are helpful towards each other. They encourage and help one another in activities. Older children support their younger friends in tasks, such as tidying up and putting on shoes.

Children demonstrate great kindness and support one another's emotional well-being. For example, when relaxing after lunch, older children ensure their younger friends have their comfort toys.Staff establish strong methods of communication with families from the start.

This enables them to gain thorough knowledge of children. From this they adapt activities to meet the needs of all children. For example, staff substitute ingredients in baking sessions to support children with severe allergies.

Parents speak highly of the manager and staff. They comment on how children are always eager to attend the holiday club. Parents of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are particularly complimentary.

They appreciate the excellent communication that staff facilitate about their children's day. They also value how well staff meet their additional needs.Children have a good understanding of how to keep themselves safe.

They have access to computer games for a short period of time after lunch. Children understand the importance of internet safety. They explain that they can only play age-appropriate games in the holiday club.

The manager works hard to establish excellent relationships with other settings. She works closely with the onsite pre-school. This enables her to access additional resources to fully support the needs of younger children.

The manager also forms close relationships with other professionals. For example, she works closely with sports leaders to provide physical education opportunities for children.The manager reflects well on her practice.

She seeks feedback from various sources, including parents and children. She adapts the holiday club to meet the changing needs of children. For example, children enjoy numerous craft activities, following feedback from previous holiday club sessions.

Children's well-being is paramount in the holiday club. All staff are well qualified and complete comprehensive training prior to starting. The manager has strong contingency plans in place to ensure children remain well supervised during periods of staff absence.

Staff support children with SEND exceptionally well. The manager and staff communicate well with carers to gain comprehensive knowledge of children's specific needs. They plan activities which engage and support the well-being of all children in the holiday club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The manager and staff are knowledgeable about the signs and symptoms which could indicate a child is at risk of harm. They understand the correct procedure to follow if they have concerns about the welfare of children.

The manager has robust recruitment and induction processes in place. This ensures all staff are suitable to work with children and have secure safeguarding and first-aid knowledge prior to starting. Staff carry out regular risk assessments of the club and supervise children well in all areas.

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