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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
This provision meets requirements Children arrive at the club excited to see the activities that staff have set up for them. They are greeted warmly by staff, who ask them about their day at school.
The environment at the club is harmonious. Children tell visitors to the club that they love coming and spending time with their friends. Children choose where they want to play and who they want to play with.
There is a free-flow of play, indoors and outside, that children move between.Children of all ages play together. They take it in turns to play games and share the resources available to them.
This helps them to build a wider friendship group and... builds tolerance and respect. The staff offer resources which are suitable for all ages. Staff know the children very well and ensure that their interests are catered for.
For example, older children make a slide-show presentation about their passion for steam trains and play tabletop games, making up various ways to play. Children understand the importance of internet safety. Younger children's interests are also catered for with imaginative play opportunities, such as dressing dolls using various accessories.
Staff are good role models. They are polite, warm and friendly. Staff skilfully adapt their levels of support and expectations to meet children's individual needs.
They consistently support children's positive behaviour. This helps children to settle quickly, behave well, and feel safe and emotionally secure. Staff are attentive to the needs of all children and, overall, interactions are very positive.
They quickly recognise when some children are distracted or not engaged. This positive approach promotes children's good behaviour and respect for each other.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
The club has a positive relationship with the school where they are based.
Some staff work within the school, which means that children can be supported by a familiar face. Staff know the children well and develop good relationships with them. This helps children to feel comfortable and safe within the club and continue to grow and flourish.
Staff working directly with the children understand their individual needs and personalities. They understand that some children like to sit quietly and concentrate on their chosen activity, while others really enjoy lively conversations. A 'chill out' area enables children to sit together to share stories, choosing from a wide variety of books.
However, there are less opportunities for children to rest and relax comfortably to enable them to renew energy spent during the school day.Staff carefully consider the needs of children with special educational needs and/or disabilities to ensure that they are fully included. They work collaboratively with parents and teachers to ensure that children's individual needs are identified.
This enables them to create an inclusive and enabling environment in which all children learn new skills and make friends.Children talk happily about being with their friends and why they enjoy going to their club. They are confident to talk with a visitor about their favourite activities at the club.
They eagerly initiate discussions with their friends and listen with respect to the views of others.Staff support children to explore their own ideas. For example, when children make pictures and discuss what they have made they show focus and determination in the making.
This supports children to developing their fine motor skills and gain independence.Staff consistently promote good hygiene practices, such as when they prepare and serve meals, and encourage children to regularly wash their hands. Children have a light tea of pizza and fresh fruit, and learn that something sweet is a treat.
Staff communicate effectively with parents who speak highly of the club. They appreciate the open and honest communication from staff. Parents say that their questions, queries and suggestions are received positively and acted upon swiftly.
They are particularly pleased about the consistent and familiar staff, who children know and trust.Staff help children develop their understanding of keeping themselves and others safe. For example, children know they have to wait for a member of staff to take them to their parents when they go home.
Staff deploy themselves effectively and children are aware they may not go back to the play area after tea without a member of staff.Leaders and staff reflect on what they do. They review all aspects of practice regularly and decide on plans that help to develop and enhance the provision.
This contributes to the already high standards within the club and the capacity for continuous improvement.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.