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Milford Pre-School Plus Ltd, Lymington Road, Milford on Sea, Hampshire, SO41 0RF
Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is good
Practitioners warmly welcome children into the setting. Children feel safe and have secure attachments with all practitioners. Parents speak highly of the pre-school.
They comment on how nurturing and caring the practitioners are. One parent commented, 'The setting is the best it has ever been.' Children are eager to come in and are keen to learn.
Children are kind and caring towards each other. Practitioners support children in developing their independence and self-care skills. For example, children are becoming skilled in dressing themselves in waterproofs and wellies.
Practitioners use their secure knowled...ge of each child to plan a varied and challenging curriculum. This means that all children make good progress from their starting points. They are also well prepared for the next stage of their learning.
Practitioners are strong role models. They are consistent in their high expectations of children and children's behaviour. This leads to a calm and relaxed environment.
Children can take turns with each other successfully using the resources provided. For instance, children take turns using a timer while using the computer.Children feel valued and listened to by practitioners.
Practitioners take the time to show delight at children's creations. They recognise and celebrate the achievements of the children, no matter how big or small.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Children regularly take part in forest-school activities in 'Little Wood'.
Children show an excellent understanding of the safety rules when using the area. They help practitioners identify areas where they need to take care, such as where the new daffodils are growing. Children take part in a vast range of exciting and stimulating activities.
These include pond dipping, using a hammer and nails as well as cooking on an open fire. Children adore the opportunity to risk take, such as when they climb along balancing ropes between trees. They love to explore and to learn about the world around them.
For example, children take part in a bird hunt using binoculars. Children confidently identify the different birds by listening to their birdsong.There is a strong emphasis on partnership working with other agencies.
There are good links with the other settings children attend. This includes sharing information and visiting children at their other settings. The management team has forged strong links with the on-site school.
This supports children's transition into school as well as encouraging the joint use of the facilities available. The management team meets regularly with the school to share relevant information. Practitioners have also developed strong partnerships within the local area.
Children regularly take part in community events. For example, children made tree decorations for the village Christmas-tree displays.Practitioners have excellent partnerships with parents.
Children regularly take home activities to enjoy with parents. Practitioners host activities for parents regularly. For example, parents have recently joined children in forest school to toast marshmallows together.
Practitioners frequently have informal meetings with parents about their child's progress.The management team has a clear and ambitious vision. It has a development plan in place and is keen to continuously enhance the setting.
Practitioners and parents speak highly of the new management team. They speak positively of the good levels of communication that are now in place.The management team supports the practitioners effectively.
It encourages practitioners to take on new challenges. The management team monitors performance, but supervision of staff is not yet embedded. The management team has plans in place to develop this further.
Children who are below and above typical levels of development have their needs catered for effectively. Practitioners are quick to identify any gaps in learning. They quickly put strategies in place to narrow any gaps.
For instance, children who have speech and language delays take part in a regular language group. This encourages the development of their letter sounds. Practitioners skilfully challenge children who are above expected levels of development.
For example, children take part in a mathematical group that teaches them how to add and subtract.Practitioners are skilful in enriching older children's learning. For instance, older children learn about the solar system during a walk outside.
However, younger children do not always have their learning extended and developed.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Practitioners keep children safe at all times, especially when using the forest-school area as staff are highly vigilant.
Practitioners have excellent knowledge of the possible signs and symptoms of abuse. They understand how to record and report concerns to the relevant bodies. All practitioners know how to report a concern about an adult.
The provider has robust systems in place for recruiting. This ensures the suitability of new employees. The management team has a strong induction process in place.
The provider has not always notified Ofsted of changes to the management team. However, this has had no impact on children's safety or well-being.
What does the setting need to do to improve?
To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: develop staff supervision processes further to provide consistent support and coaching to all staff develop further adult-led activities with younger children so that they have more opportunities to be highly challenged and engaged in their learning.