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What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
The exceptional staff team creates a remarkable, welcoming and nurturing environment for all children.
Children settle quickly as they enjoy a healthy breakfast to help boost their energy, ready for the day ahead. From the moment children arrive, they are greeted by staff who model excellent communication, using exciting and varied vocabulary in their interactions. A wide range of describing words become part of the children's daily language, sparking their imaginations and encouraging rich conversations.
Furthermore, leaders and staff form extremely close relationships with every child to help them to have a ve...ry positive sense of belonging within this outstanding nursery. Children show that they feel safe and secure. This helps all children, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to make the best possible progress in their learning.
Behaviour expectations are clear and consistent. Staff set firm and consistent boundaries from the outset. Consequently, children understand what is expected of them and rise to these expectations, demonstrating respect for one another and their environment.
In this nursery, every moment is an opportunity for learning. Children are encouraged to be independent learners. They demonstrate a 'can-do' attitude by persevering as they complete tricky tasks.
Children's learning is further enhanced because skilled staff allow children the time to do things for themselves. This helps children to develop lots of resilience and confidence. All children flourish and display high levels of curiosity and mutual respect.
Therefore, all children are extremely well prepared for their next stage in learning, including school.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leadership and management are inspirational. Leaders value the staff and ensure that they are part of any progress or change.
In addition, leaders have very high expectations and consistently drive to improve practice and enhance the opportunities and experiences for all children. This is reflected in the long-standing, dedicated and committed staff who are highly reflective, extremely supportive and who motivate and inspire each other. Staff morale is exceptionally high.
Consequently, this helps to accurately target improvements and shape the outstanding service provided.Leaders and staff implement a unique curriculum, which is ambitious for all children and covers all areas of learning. It is designed to stimulate and inspire children.
Children are exceedingly motivated and tremendously enthusiastic to join in, share and cooperate with each other. Children clearly make full use of their creative potential in a variety of ways. They demonstrate high levels of self-control and consistently keep on trying hard, even if they encounter difficulties.
For example, as children explore the woodwork area, they concentrate intensely as they work out the best place to drill holes into the wood. In addition, they show acute awareness of keeping themselves and others safe. They confidently explain that they need to wear safety goggles as they drill to protect their eyes from the dust.
Staff consistently immerse children in a variety of language experiences. The youngest children excitedly sing songs and use visual prompts to join in with actions. Older children demonstrate that they are familiar with stories as passionate staff read to them with animated voices.
Staff skilfully ask questions that encourage children to use language and give detailed replies. Children hear lots of descriptive language as staff chat to them about their play. This supports all children to become confident communicators.
Staff work tirelessly to create a setting that fosters strong motivation in all children, including those with SEND. They work incredibly well with professionals to improve outcomes for children with SEND. Furthermore, leaders and staff use additional funding astutely to ensure all children experience the same opportunities.
They plan excellent extra-curricular opportunities, such as swimming lessons to help to deepen children's learning and enjoyment and to give them the very best start to their early education. All children, including those in receipt of additional funding, make excellent progress in their learning and development.Staff promote children's, emotional well-being and welfare needs exceedingly well.
They expertly teach children ways to manage their emotions and how to 'expel' energy before sitting down for lunch. For instance, pre-school children engage in yoga and meditation before lunchtime. They discuss how their breathing changes as they start to relax.
Furthermore, younger children become independent in self-care, including putting on their own outdoor clothes. These skills, along with the impressive learning that takes place, prepare children well for moving on in their education.Parents are overwhelmingly complimentary about all staff.
Parents report that the many methods of communication used by leaders and staff promote outstanding parent partnerships. Parents have high levels of confidence in the staff and know their children's learning is supporting their next stage of development. In addition, parents comment that the exceptional 'lending library' that leaders and staff have created to support children's learning in the home environment is a real strength.
This helps to support children's continuity of learning.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.