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Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Local Authority
Highlights from Latest Inspection
What is it like to attend this early years setting?
The provision is outstanding
Children develop a deep sense of community.
They frequently go out in the local area to learn about local services, such as the dentist and the hairdresser. Staff involve children in planning for their shopping trips to buy baking ingredients, such as by writing their own shopping lists. Children make cards and gifts to thank the local businesses for their support.
Children benefit from rich experiences which enhance their understanding of the world around them and prepare them extremely well for future success.Children have superb opportunities to explore the natural world, both at the setting and at local park...s. They learn to safely use tools such as saws, hammers and nails.
Children are highly motivated to initiate their own play. Older children recall what they have previously learnt. For example, they confidently use a tape dispenser when wrapping presents and know to put the 'gifts' under the tree.
Children behave exceptionally well. They make friends and show care for each other. They comfort their friends by rubbing their back and using kind words.
Leaders and managers are highly ambitious for children to develop skills for later life. The whole staff team are very knowledgeable about children's learning needs. The environment is highly stimulating.
Resources are set up in an extremely appealing way which engages children's imagination. Staff join in with children's play and skilfully offer suggestions that extend children's thinking even further.
What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?
Leaders and managers expertly identify where children may benefit from enhanced support in their learning and development, including their physical skills.
For example, children have plentiful opportunities to move in a variety of ways such as climbing, running and yoga. They develop their finger muscles as they make models with dough. Children gain confidence in their physical abilities and demonstrate high levels of physical skill.
Staff have a deep understanding of the curriculum and have high expectations for what they want children to learn. Staff skilfully interact with children to extend their thinking. For example, they join in with children's play, demonstrate how to use tools safely and sensitively offer suggestions to try new ideas.
The quality of teaching is outstanding and supports children to make excellent progress.Children consistently demonstrate very positive attitudes to their learning. For example, toddlers persevere to complete challenging tasks, such as using a knife and fork to cut their food.
They are eager to join in and concentrate for extended periods of time as they take part in meditation sessions.Children's personal, social and emotional development is supported exceptionally well. Children gain high levels of independence.
They learn to serve their own meals and to help wash up their plates and cutlery. Children develop important skills that prepare them well for later life.Staff teach children to regulate their behaviour.
Children are supported to pause their play for meals and are reminded they can return to finish their work later. Children learn to consider the feelings of others, such as by not talking too loudly so others can hear. Children develop high levels of self-control and an understanding of rules to follow.
Children develop a broad use of language that helps them express their own needs. Children learn to use full sentences to ask for more food at mealtimes, and to call for help in the bathroom when necessary. Staff are excellent role models.
They engage children in back-and-forth conversation and give children plenty of time to share their ideas. Children are extremely confident communicators.The arrangements for supporting children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are exceptionally well organised.
Staff quickly identify children's needs and liaise with parents to put individual support plans in place. Leaders and managers have developed strong links with other providers so children are well-supported as they transition to school.Leadership and management is a strength at the setting.
Leaders and managers are extremely reflective and regularly evaluate the provision to continuously seek to further develop the excellent care and education that children receive.Staff receive high levels of support and guidance. They speak highly of the development opportunities available to them and the valuable supervision meetings to discuss their practice.
Staff have a deep knowledge and understanding of how children learn and how to support their development to an outstanding level.Parents praise the staff team and say their children have strong, trusting relationships with the staff. The provider builds strong relationships with parents and shares valuable information about children's learning needs.
Parents highly value the detailed updates they receive about their children's progress.
The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.
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2024 Primary and GCSE results now available.
Full primary (KS2) and provisional GCSE (KS4) results are now available.